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MikeDXlast edited by pianofire
The latest F4NS patch is now live with bugfixes, new functions and a big new feature - community sharing!
New functions added in this release:
Map functions
3d graphics functions added
You can now share your projects outside of your friends circle and download creations via a 10 digit code once they have been approved in the system.
The online help has been updated to 0.2.14 to support the release, thanks to the hard work at FUZE HQ, the bug reporters and to our dear leader @Jonboy
We can't wait to see what you will make with the latest update, so get creating, share your games, publish your game codes on social media and most importantly, ENJOY IT NOW!
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Dave Fuze Teamlast edited by
Nice one @MikeDX !! So excited to see what people do with the new stuff!
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SwitchedOnlast edited by
Thanks for the update (and new logo). Just in time for FuzeFridays :)
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SteveZX81Flast edited by
Great work guys! Thank you so much.
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Martin Fuze Teamlast edited by
Thank you to everyone involved!
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jimmjimmslast edited by
Thank you thank you thank you this is why I purchased!
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CasualTie5Flast edited by
thanks so much for the update!
(I really love the new logo btw, it fits the premise of "do whatever you like" so much better than the previous one did)
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CasualTie5Flast edited by
just one question, because I didn't really understand the part with the programs other people have created... So there is a possibility to enter one of those codes in FUZE? Because I can't figure out how to
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MikeDXlast edited by
Go to programs, press Y, enter the code, enjoy!
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LinkCraftFlast edited by
Thanks so much for the update I’m so excited to see what everyone shares
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jimmjimmslast edited by
Anyone have a code to share so we can test it out? Or where is everyone sharing their codes?
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MikeDX @jimmjimmslast edited by
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digDuglast edited by
Updating. So excited talking to a little load bar!!]
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SwitchedOnlast edited by
Any plans to allow the community share to just be browsable (like Mario Marker?) - so you can just look at anyone's submitted project without needing a code.
As good as the new update is, its not that much different from needing somebody's friend code is it? You still have to seek out projects and get a code off the person.
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SteveZX81Flast edited by
I'm sure we'll get that in time. baby steps
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Martin Fuze Teamlast edited by
It's very different, you don't have to be Nintendo friends which people complained a lot about.
To answer your question, and to quote from earlier "We're just getting started!"
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PB____last edited by
I've created a topic where people can share their game codes:
A few people have already shared their game code there, and I hope to see more :)
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DiscostewFlast edited by
I'm happy to see the update, but unfortunately, my MML Player still crashes the entire program under the new version. With the current song I had set in it, it crashes at 1 minute 13 seconds into playback.
ID is P6K73MUS74 if anyone wants to check it out after it's approved.
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CasualTie5Flast edited by
seriously guys, after playing some of those games featured in the sharing thread, I just now realize how great of a feature level sharing is! I can honestly see myself regularly opening FUZE just to play some new games someone has created. It's such a cool thing! Even though some projects may seem small - seeing all that code involved, I start to really appreciate the work put into those programs.
I actually really enjoy playing even the "simple" games, there's just some magic with sharing things like that.
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void00Flast edited by
Have the buffer overflown being fixed since since reassigning a variable just creates more variables and also has copy of array changing the original array been fixed because it's all I been waiting for me to finally do my project
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