The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)

HAD A GOOD HOLIDAY There are poor boys and girls asking at the WOOD STREET MISSION Can We Go to Blackpool Will you please send a gift to the Hon. Treasurers at Wood St Mission, Derogate, M'e 3 Hill liiyMWOMJUP fe STEEL SECTIONS BARS STRUCTURAL U. PLATES SHEETMWvrc MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1046 Price Twopence ELFRbM STOCK) PERSONAL PERSONAL CONCERTS. SALES BY AUCTION CINEMAS WITHY GROVE STORES OPERA HOUSE. 3 Weeks at 6 30.

Mat.iee eseh Saturday ar 2. LBERT HALL. PETER ST i-JAY. -j to 1 4d. Preacher: OF STOKE-ON-TRENT A THE D'OYLY CARTE OPERA CO.




rr i A TiON OF CHILDREN'S ART FROM NORTHERN IRELAND OCTOBER 21 NOVEMBER 23. LADIES" Own Material Tailored by eiperta Coats. Coslumes im Gowns SELANBY. 17. Bt PioradUy.


(who will sing the part ot Mephistopheles in the public performance at Vue on REMOVAL Sjndiy. November 10). BINSON'S Cash Advanced to Any Amount. PRELIMINARY SUTTON SONS have received Instructions to OPFER FOR SALE BY AUCTION (unless previously sold by private treaty), at the ESTATE EXCHANGE. ,6.

Fountain StreetManchtster. on TUESDS.Y the 26th NOVEMBER. 1946. at 2 30 p.m.. a Well-built Detached RESIDENCE, LARK HILL.

MOORSND, MKLLOR. briefly ctmtamlnc hall, three reception-rooms, five bedrooms, and excellent domestic offices. Garage. Electric light and poorer Main drainage Area 3 acres. 11 perches, or thereabouts.

Freehold and free from chief rent. For lurther partlcu ars see future advertise ments. or apply to tbe AUCTIONEERS. 60. Spring Gardens, Manchester, and Bank Square.

The purpose ct Mr. Franklin Lecture be ijpen quaui omw. KNOLLS BOCSE. MANCHESTER (Cen 5561 to illustrate toe unique fjuai.ttes ox uus great wrk. He wJI be assisted by Phyllis Spurr SAMUEL GRATR1X.


4 45. 8 5 CORXIfaH At 12 30 3 40. 7 0 STANLEY TUDOR TBS ORGAN. Crjtit.rwood London. Mose.ey Rd B'bam PINE PLEET OF MODERN MOTOR VANS SEVEN SPECIALLY BUILT DEPOSITORIES OLD-FASHIONED MATTRESSES can now be converted Into modern aprlnr-tnterlora Every kind of mattress re-made and rejuvenated.

Write or 'phone lor estimates and advxe Expert will call tl necessary. Nw DunloplUo Uattreaaes can now be supp.led atalnst doctors" notes BYROH3 BEDDING SERVICE. 6-10. Klngsway. Altrtn-cham.

Phone 32,31 Altr. (3 llntsi. Est. 1851 PALACE THEATRE Evejs 6 45. Matinee each Wednesday and Saturday 2 JACK WALLER presents Edward Knchlock's New Version ct EDWARD GERMAN'S UOHT OPERA MERRIE ENGLAND With the Distinguished Company Irom the Princes Theatre London DENNIS NOBLE LINDA GRAY JOHN LEIViS CHIC ELLIOTT GRAHAME CLIFFORD AND MONDAY NEXT To Weeks, at above times TOM ARNOLD RALPH READER witn his orlg.nal R.A.F.

GANG SHOW The Blggrst, Brlghtc.t nnd Fastest or all Service Shoxs DIRECT FROM ITS THIU.JPHANT STASOI AT TUE STOLL THEATRE. LONDON riTjl GENTLE OMEN 'S I VFLOYMNT ASSOCIATION and LADIES' WORK SOCIETY (Incorporated) L5 OF TILE ASSOCIATSS' WORK to be held on rjVEMBER 5. 6, 7. and 8, 1946, i -am lu am. to 4 DEPOT.

1. RIDGEFIELD. KINO STREET. MANCHESTER 2. at the piano and ou memoers ot tne HALLE CHOIR The Lecture will be given In the ALBERT HALL Peter Street.

TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5. at 7 Admission by Tlcset, obtainable la advance from THE TIMES FURNISHING CO. LTD 86-8B. MARKET STP-tET UC (Tel.

DEAnsgate 3214). wl; psy cash iDr sood-quallty secoua-niiQa Furniture Wrte or "phone Our Rep will call wumsiow: cr to saessrs. hlbuemm. buq POWNALL solicitors. 137.


STOOLS. for workshops, canteens, clubs, offices, etc Write or call for details and prices 127. OLDHAM MANCHESTER. Tel BLA. 6046 THE HALLE BOOKING OFFICE.

wlUj Second-hanr FURNITURE 4 CARPETS uran OAS urtLAYa. to 1 2 30 Kino RT. 8. ST. PETER SQUARE.

MANCHESTER 2 HaII6 Cub Members (on production ol Cards or Receipts FREE, Others 2'6. OCIETY OF FRIENDS. FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSE. ST hTREET. TUESDAY.

NOVEMBER 5th, pi PUBLIC MEETING, "Peace Build-- Aiomsc Age." Speaker' JOHN S. ii A cordial invitation Is extended G. A. HEIGHWAY. 105.

Deansgate, J.Shaw, S81 are open to purchase tor Cash Good Quality tecond-nand and Anttqur FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY AND CARPETS. Must oe in drst-clasa condition Write or 'pb Cen 5431. giving full particulars MERLE OBEHON. TCRHAN BEY in NIGHT in PARADISE (Tech Scrwned at 1 5. 5 0.

9 0 Plus JAMES JAMES JAMES MASON MASON MASON in "THEY WERE SISTERS." Screened at II 0, 2 50. 6 45. SUNDAY: SID FIELD, tie Master Laughter Maker, la LONDON TOWN (Tech 1 FORSYH BROTHERS. LTD. are in au districts at JOHN HALL 56.

Km street, Msnehestei BLA 1USB BUYERS OF JEWELLERY. GOLD ANTIQUE SILVER Established orer I(U jfeare rxsnazin bttus ltd 1Z6. Deam.rate MANCHESTER HIPPODROME. O-lu Ardalck Grctii 8-20 OLD MOTHER RILEY AND HER DAUGHTER- KITTY. Personal Appearance of your Stake.

Screen, and'o Favourites, ARTHUR Kin LUCAN McSHANE GAIETY THEATRE. Dea 41H. CONWAYS (Tiles Terrazzo), 163. PLYMOUTH GROVE. MANCHESTER 13.


Concucto- GORDON THORNE In a Ser es of CONCERTS on MGNDYS. NOVEMBER 4th and 11th. JANUARY 27th. FEBRUARY 3rd and 10th. DECEMBER 16th.

at the ALBERT HALL at 7 m. SECOND CONCERT TO-NIGHT EVELYN ROTHWELL (Oboel In Concerto for Oboe and Strtnss (Corelli-Barblrollt) Ticket. 9s 6s 3s. Forsyth Brothers. Ltd 126.

Deansgate Lewis's. Ltd Market Street Rhind Sons, intiie Your oners foi FURNITURE and CARPETS Good Quality Only Required Wjl'e or 'Phone Pull Particular RE-UPHOLfrTJinv Attn rjrwrwATT-iiust UPSET PRICE 1.000 TO BE OFPERED rCR BY AUCTION by W. H. SUTTON SONS. at THE ESTATE EXCHANGE.

46. FOUNTAIN STREET MANCHESTER, oa WEDNESDAY the 0th NOVEMBER. 1946 at 1 30 p.m. prompt, subjec. to condltjons of sale.

A Detached DWELLING-HOUSE numbered 32. KXDLESTON AVENUE, at the conver ot Scaradale Road, VICTORIA PARK. MANCHESTER The sommodatlon comprises: Groun-1 Flour: Square entrance hall with recess for cloaks two excellent entertalnlng-rooms. Kitchen with arrjtg hatch and Triplex grate, scullery, larder. First Floor: Four bedrooms, half tiled oatnrtKun and acparate w.c.

Electric light and power. Outside: Waahhouae. coal store, garden store and garage Lone leasehold. Ground rent 5 per annum VACANT POSSESSION. The house may be inspected between the hours of 2 and 4 on Wednesdays and Saturdays oi to the day of sale and at other times by appo-ntment.

For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEERS. 60. Spring Gardens, Manchester 2. scd Bank Square. Wllrnalcw.

or to Messrs WITHINOTON. PETTY. 4s CO YOUR Own Material (Ladle or Oeoti) LAWTOMi Tailor- 7B. Monty street MancDeiler ij AIN'T MARY'S HOSPITALS. I IVT MARY'S WOMEN'S GUILD OF SERVICE.

Lecture the series of six i- ijes be given in tho Lecture MjDUM HOUSE. Queen Street, on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, pm Speaker: The Resident ol Saint Mury's Hospitals. i i- Alderman MSss Mary KlnBsmlll-OBS Subject Emerf ency 5s lor the series It per lecture, fiom Saint Mary's Oaddum House, Queen Street, THE chances are you would all use SUTCL.FFE AIR-CONDITIONING 131-7. Strello-d Rd Phone MOSs Sloe 2256-v Continuous Dally trom 2 15.

Sundays 2 p.m. BING CROSBY, INGRID BERGMAN, tn Leo McCarey's THE BELLS OP ST MARY'S The Happies: Heart est Hit or the YeaT. At 12 30. 2 55 5 25. 8 Pli" NTS II It didn't cost more than you think it SUTCL1FFE VENTILATINO AND TIMBER SALE YARD.

Five Minutes from Deanitate MALL2NSON ECKERSLEY. LTD Near Salford Station. Tel BLA 1474. GILLOW. DKYINU COMPANY.


6th mr 6th Year H. FORTES CUE Presents "OLIVER TWIST." Adapted Irom Dickens by Arthur Leslie Box Office. 'Phone MOS 288S BOO KING NOW for XM A PANTOlf IMES Dec. 23 Dick Whittington. 2 30.

6 30. 30 Dec 30- Red Riding Hood. 2 30. 6 30, 8 50 In aood rnuditlnn iVrlr. n.

Dhnn. nu Detnsaale Uuncneiter iBIacklrtars "5642i MANAGERS. FOREMEN, IT ANCOCK SON A LBERT HALL, MANCHESTER. EXHIBITION AND m-m. ltioiasmiths) MANUFACTURING Electrical Enginee rs require experienced Buer: aoDltcatlons i I1HICAL OLD GOLD.

SILVER, Modern ana Anttout J-wflrv err i. tVi NOV. 20. 21. 22.

1946. BUY GOLD Jc DIAMOND JXWELLERY, H.shest Cash Prices. a sifirj for Space. T'cketa and FF.IDAx, NOVEMSIiR at PIANOFORTE RECITAL In aid ol Saint Mary's Horpltals ISO ELINSON. 29, Klnv Street.

Manchester 2 Established I860 DAVIDSONS (Mc) LTD, 151. Oldham Manchester 4. DCA 5127. DEANSGATE. ALL WEEK "NO LEAVE, NO with VAN JOHNSON AT KIRKWOOD First Presentation outside London Times- II 45.

1 50. 5 55. 6 5. 8 15 HAYWARDS, of Deansgate. GOODALLS.

KING Programme Includes Sonata tn flat minor. Op 35. with the Funeral March, and "turtles by Cnopln. CamHal, Op 9. by Schumann.

Sec solicitors. 0. Spring Gardens. Manchester. HANDFORTH.


WILL PORCH ASK SECOND-HAND FURNITURE only considered Irom ambitious persons, able to control staff 367 Manchester Guardian MIDLAND Mining Contractors require capable Foremen Drillers, Crutters. MUiedriveri. oi Sinkers App.lcants should state age. experience order, where present employed, or if free. Address 577 Martchea'er Guardian TRODUCTION Eneineerlnj; Research KQuires young Techn leal Asjista nt for lntc'JLsence and information department: duties lnc.ude abstracting Fu'l partlcurs to Information Manager.

Produrtlon Ens'neerlny Research Association. Frederick Street. Lough-borcuh Leicestershire RATI NO Valuer required by the Federation of Mister Cot lot SDlnners' Associations" MAYOR OF SALFORD'S FLOOD DISTRESS FUND A GRAND DINNER DANCE (Organised by Whalen. Esq la aid ot tte above Fund) will be he.d in THE MIDLAND HOTEL, MANCHESTER, on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2ijth.

1946. 8pm to 2 a TONY STUART AND FULL BROADCASTING B'ND aDneamnce of Sjee and Rad Stare Andante lavcr. in tf. nonao a uaprxcu, Op ti9 Beethoven And uorlrs 1t Scarratt and L'STt 3 LASS Sc CHINA, TEA DINNER SETS. of high quality, period or modem, also rutin BOLTON, a.

UUHUBlKJitT. LEIGH. -I Send Sixpence Confined to "ti 1 STERTON SCHOOL, KIRKBY LONSDALE. onernnrs will Oder for Competition "j'-1. 1 947 one or more ENTRANCE i MiHIPS and EXHIBITIONS, maximum i Candidates must be over 12 14 ji September 1, 1947.

A ho jnhlp. alue 30, 'U1 also be -i 147. and la open to candidates '0 and under 11 on September '17 a d. uho have apent not less than two a cL lr elementary school lornrs, which muit be returned by Mr. I and ful! particulars, from ii t.

stress. Caster ton Schoo', Carn-l "ill 3 re Tlctets 10a 6d vs as COT GLASS, ice. In good condition. 'Phone BLA 6221 and 6222 T. HAYWARD ifc CO 64-66.

Deansgate. Mc qiiu witntai uarpeis rnone bLA Zlia or write lor representative to call Obtainable from FORSYTH BROS LTD GENTLEMEN, SELL YOUR DIS Dres optional 2 cuineas each. JT CARDED CLOTHING DIRECT. I give SECOND-HAND JEWELLERY Wanted We urgently require Gold or Diamond Jeellery.N antique or modern silverware, We pay generous cash prices BEAVERBROOK'S. 7 11.

Mjriet Ktr.i Sa obta'nable at FORSYTH S. LEWIS'S, and THE GRAND HOTEL M'DLAND HOTEL HOOLDSWORTH HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. at 1 15. LUCY PIERCE, LAURANCE TURNER. SONATAS FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO cap ana genuine prices lor uent I ttuLU ana all descriptions of Ladles' and Qcnt's Clathlce Phone BLA.

4910 or postcard to COWAN. Oldham Slreel. 5. Oxford Strrel. Manchester THEATRE ROYAL.

ro-DiY Dennis Var'e O'KEEFE. MCDONALD. In GETTING GERTIE'S GARTER." T'mr 2 15. 5 30. 8 40.

Also THE CORSICAN BROTHERS," with Douglas FAIRBANKS. Jnr Times 12 30. 3 35, 6 50 NEXT WEEK WILLIAM HARTNELL in APPOINTMENT WITH CRIME Monday, Nov 11, at 30 Personal Appearance of WILLIAM HARTNELL sjampnem warKct. ueangate. MancnesTer a I L.

PICCADILLY CIRCOS BEAVER'S Purchasing Department ftul Dav UDerl ortces lor Modern SPECIALIST Technical Legal at THE RAILWAY HOTEL, WILMSLOW. on WEDNESDAY the 20-h NOVEMBER. 1946. at 7 prompt, subject to condit.ons of sale. AN Attractive Modern Detached RESIDENCE.

WOODSIDS. 17, DEAN ROAD, HANDFORTH (altuate within a tew minutes' walk ol Handlorth Station and village! The accommodation comprises Ground Floor- Entrance hall with oak panelled walls, coats cupboard, attractive throjgo lounge 22ft 61n. with modern tiled fireplace and mahogany mantelpiece, f-ench a-lndows to garden; dlnlhg-room 17tt Sin 15ft. with fireplace and fitted seats, kitchen 1 2ft. 31n 10ft 6'n.

with htted cupboards and Triplex range, half-tiled scullery with alnk and fitted cupboards, larder. First Floot: Bedroom No. 1. 17ft. 6in.

12ft. 3ln. with fitted wash-basin, bedroom BtettKnen So in Dcltus no a in i or Antique Diamond eweller SlUerware Now in its 13th Year WE NEVER CLOSED A Vivian Van Damm Production Continuous 12 noon to 10 55 Tickets FORSYlliJ ueansKne Oeorge Street. CEN 5052. can or send lor offer Esld 100 years BBAVER.

LTD 7-9 Ann St. Mc FUR RENOVATIONS bv Experts. Moderate cbarses Estimates tree Send applicants must be fu'ly qualified to make Valuations ol Cotton Spinning ML .5. Doubling, and Weavint Sheds, and plant and machinery foj ratlny and Insurance purposes, experience of negotiations with rating and tax authorities and knowledge of claims under ConipensatloT Defence Act essential Appjica-tions to be made in wr'tinj marked Con fide nttal," statins qualtflcatlons and salary desired to Chairman. Rating and Valuation Committee Federation of Master Cotton Spinners Associations Deameate Arcade.

lVlarcnfiter RUBBER Chemical Manufacturers Invite applications to extend existing Technical Sales Service Staff comroerc'al appreciation desirable, but chemlealtechnoloirlcal experience essential: salary between 700 and 1.100 rior ONCELLO. HAVDN F-jQERSON visits Manchester Fortnlshtly STCDIO at FORSYTHs. Ingulrlra. 10. Aberdare Gardens.

London. DONALD MACDONALD. LTD lor Doncrete Concre'f and Btnldlna BELLE VUE ZOO GARDENS. Open Dally from 10 a m. Id i.imo lor lnteresttna book on Fur Renovation JONSS LTD 21-31 Oldham 6tret Manchester 1 rpHE DIRECTORS of the ROYAL I riiANOE ASSURANCE announce that M'LLS.

who has neen manager ol Branch for nearly twelve i jikL rd're on peneion on the 31st cib havlne comp.eted over tblrty-. ii the service of Rie Corporation, fit his valuable service to the Mr has been appointed a local Irom the lit January. 1947. 1 K.j"d si present assistant manaiter at ii- ntsier Branch, has been appointed to i V' il5 as manager wo New Oxford and Market St DANCING NurhMy at 7 Sats 3 and 6 30 OLDE TYME Tuesdays Thursdaja 7pm F3EE-STYLE WRESTUHO Weds Sats 7 SALES BY AUCTION SLIM Easily and Safely without dangeraLs aruga strenuous exercises, or starvation diets Details. NEWIN CLINIC.

48. Porlland Place. London I Home treatments a callable By ot Captain Piers Jones. ALL WEEK IDA OLIVIA NANCY QOUTHPORT. IO Old and Modern Picture by Eminent Painters R.

H. SPURR, LUPINO. DE HAVILLAND. COLEMAN UMAN HAIR Wanted from lOin ROMNEY GALLERY OARRICK THEATRE LORD STRfET SODTHLPORT Tel Soiitb-port P6337. Estab (Bradfcrd, 1926 (as the three Bronte Sisters), and PAUL HENREID in 'DEVOTION" Cert Tlm-s: 1 10.

3 40, 6 10. 8 25 tied up wiLh the cut ends ail one aj Combines and made-up hair plccts are not required M1! ley, r.umap merchant. Banbury GIGANTIC GUY FAWKES DISPLAY. TO-MORROW November 5 at 8 BRITAIN'S GREATEST FIREWORK SPECTACLE Every Wednesday and Saturday at BOXING November 15 at 7 BRUCE WOODCOCK v. GEORGES MARTIN and Tremendous Supporting Bill Seats Avallab'e at Sans and 2cns BELLE TOE announces Its GIGANTIC NTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS CIRCUS NEVER GREATER IN CIRCUS HISTORY Oper-na December 21 20 STAR ACTS BOOKING PLANS OPEN NOVEMBER 11 (Leathercloth).

Inoulrles are invited from fJpholiterera, Motor-car Manufacturers, and kindred businesses tor the above mater! which superior to nth'ng NO 2. 15ft. 121t wltn nitea caa nre; bedroom No 3. lift 91n bedroom No. 4.

9ft. Hit boxroom. tiled bathroom with panrtled bath, separate w.c. Electr light and power All the principal rooms on the ground floor tiave oavt floors and the staircase is ot oak Outside Coalh'iuse, garage 19ft 3 9It. 61n with concrete Boor.

Inspection p.t and electric light: washhouie with link. There Is a very attractive garden which Is well laid out with numerous plants, flowers, and fru't trees, sloping down to the banks ot a small brook. Area 1,334 square yards Freehold and free from ch'et rent Rateable value 45 Rates 14l. In the pound VACANT POSSESSION For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEERS. 60.

Spring Gardena. Man-chestet 2. and Bank Square, Wilmslow. or an ALFRED NEWTON. Esq.

solicitor. 49. Wellington Rad South Stockport. REGAL OXFORD ROAD Cont rom 12 40 CEN. 2437.

riMIE SHIPWRECKED MARINERS 1 yL a-ransst Iti objects encouragei fU UION'O SEA.rEN ani PISHER-vil tier FAMILIES by means of its i MEMBERSHIP Pieaec ajstat thiA a -r Ia sendinr a donat'on to I 's-nt CounclUor V. 4 1 bruacnioie Street. Manchester 2. I lr BOTH OBE. MU, OBIce, E) 16.

Wilfred tr risttr. Ix.ndon. W. 1 iTRQN THE KING MILL. LTD.

NoUce is A glcn. that the TRANSFER- NORTH WALES (On main St Asaoh-Denblsh road. 2 mllej trom St Asaph 1 mile from Trelnant, ana 8 miles trom Ethyl.) IMPORTANT HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE SALE of a larse portion ot the Valuable CONTENTS OF THE RESIDENCE br elly comprising Finely Carved CtakHiopled Box-s-at Settle. SET OF 4 HEPPLEWHTTE- style "mahogany siiield-back DiNrao CHMllS and Pair of tilmost similar Elbow Chairs. Geo-alan Rostrxood Sofa and Garoes Tables FINE CHARLES 1 OAK REFECTORY TABLE with carved lop find frieze on bulbous supports.

EARLY GEORGIAN WALNUT BOREAU-BOOKCiSE with concaved base Pair 21 1 61n. Louis Tullpwood and Ksood Paraueterle Cabinets. numerous Walnut. Rosewood. Marqueter e.

andOatS'de. Cord, and Occasional Tables: 1 7 th -CENTU CARVED IK 4It 6ln COURT cnPBOARD. Sheraton CAMEOS PreciuUi Stone dnd Utamno Jewellery evcr aescr.pttun ttn jUver modern antique. AiUer cigarette cases imitation and culture pear oflers a nli cash LlandrincUdi Ltd 4 South street Wnrthtne "Cst Prn at Dreint en rne niarttet ii hkicq sudji are available from itc-ck Apply to astlcs uccoraing to quia mentions. Andrew in con-rid ence.

402 Manchester Guardian WANTED. Production Encineer w'th COod knowledge of modem mfthod.i for electrical eoElnec-lng nrm employing l.UOo must be able to unde-stand and enlorcc rig dly the system operating throughout the workSj stores. good dlscipl narlan reply, stating experience, and sa-ary required 387 YT ANTED Leather Trades Chemist, preferably with knowledge ct currying and greases state In strict confidence tpes of leather on which experienced, ajie, and approx eg requ red. 36 1 Manchester Guardian WANTLD, Young Man tage limit 30 ears must nave practical experience and good technical and theoretical training in cotton weaving. lor position on development staff of sma 1 xo of mlllti: must be prepared to live aiiay trcm home during wee 369 WHOLESALE Clothing Nscnufacturers in Manchester ma tine Medium to Rear Grade Division, BERNARD WARDLE CO 1923i LTD Chlnle; via Stockport Chesh re BARBARA STANWYCK, VAN and LIZABETH SCOTT In "THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS." CASH PRICBS for Tx Telephone 222 1 tin imeat mcludina i OFFICERS1 Uniform C5UITS.

OVERCOATS. COSTUMES Wanted in any cond.t oi Greatcoats British VVirms, TrenchcoaLs. TURNED. QUALITY TAILORING GOLDWARE. LTD "S-la rcrporation St APOLLO ABC Ard 1141 Con 2 30 l.ii) tnt- Ciinpany iu oe uL.ub&Lf irom GUARANTEED POST OR CALL lOR ESTIMATE ORIGINAL TURNING REPAIR Macs, and Service Jackets, Slacics.

Footftcar, and Hosiery tor att three Servxes Ready to Wear or Made to Order in ten days 6erid lor Illustrated list, to ALK1T Cambridge Cucus. Lotidcn 2 BING CROSBY. INGRID BERGMAN ING CO LITJ yi, "THE BELLS CF ST. MARY'S." LONDON. W.C 1 HOL.

H4I6 (6 line' jt- In I'M-i, both dates Inclusive. JOH'i STRANGE. Secretary. Thursday. O.


5 30. 10 (Last show 7 40 Davles at the Orcan. 2 35. 5 5. 7 35 TRAVELLERS, AGENTS, ACTIVE Agent required for Hcuseho Brushes ca ling on in the London and bujth oi Ens and ara 581 Manchester Ourdian AGENT Wanted to Represent leading Horticultural Specialities in Lanes Cheshire, Lakes lines nationally advertised and dLs-tributed, but change of ilp necessary Addreso 576 Manchester Gu'dlai SHORTAGE Unscreenud TTIUEL Men's Outerwear, require effl-ient Factory and Production Manaser v.

ability to organise and supervise production eood technical COKE BREEZE uvsllaole delivery road' MANNEQUIN ACADEMY LUCIE CLAY TO (established London lsyears, open also CJ mcuftster at King Street) has Vacanclei lor PUPILS and Experienced MANNEQUINS WnU or call to- rc5era: oris now Ior Sat performances Cati Rest 10 50 to 8 Sun 5 50 to 8 rail, minimum quant1'-? tons LOOSE Inquiries 'Phoie STO ,666 lunfeie previously so.d by Private Treaty I. uy W. H. SUTTON SONS, fit the RAILWAY HOTEL, WILMSLOW, on WEDNESDAY the 20th NOVEMBER, 1940. at 7 prompt, subject to conditions of a MSSEYS BURNLEY BREWERY, L'MITED fereb 'vn that the ORDINARY IK 1 KN-1 EK-DOOK3 ol the Company i riAitD l-nm ihe 7th day ol November.

I L. iht 2lt dav ol November 1946. 'i iw in ulf Bv order ol the Board. SUMM ERSG ILL. Secretary.

Si 1-i i no Brtttf ry. Burnley ALCOHOLIC Excess 1 TURVEY TONIC TREATMENT atop craving and Improves health Sec Mandevll.e Place London 1 CANVASSER required by Important Firm ot Shipping and Forward nri Agent to cover Lancashire and West Hiding TJ8 TCiXPORT Old-estabitshed TATI PR CEN from 11 am 1 1 L-Cr 5 TO-MORROW'S MEXICO IMarc Tlmej. BIKIS! ATOM BOMB ISLAND PETTE SMITH CARTOON MUSICAL VV NEWS RAF OFFICERS' WRIST W-ATOHES LIMITED QUANTITY ot nt i tx-Goveinmjrt socle Lcer Mcvementfi Stainless Steel Waterprotf Casei Fu'iy guaranteed Confored price 412 DV.TDSON'S (Manchester), LTD 131 Oldham Strtiet. Manchester 4 A Modern SEMI-DETACHED RESIDENCE. Knowledge essential permanent, progressive position with good salar Address ('n confidence), stating age, full details of experience, salary requiied, I84 YOUNG canable TextJe Chemist aged 25 to 35.

lor F'nish'ng Works Laboratory. Manch ster d-strlct graduate preferably with practical experl-nce ol dyeing and flnlsh'ng processes excellent opportunities and prospects; reply In confidence giving deta is of education, experlenct and salary expected Address 371 Manchester Guardian. SITUATIONS WANTEO PS-OFFICER (RM desires a Pes ion ot J-i Trust or Partnership' any sound proposi-t'on- details In confidence 238 "MG" -B-U with orders to place requl-e ont-rs cotton, wool, art. sill: piece goods, or services or Agent wno can locate stocks 3B4 Manchester Guardian Pan-Ued Oafc Hall Cupboards SHERATON I.NM1D M.HOG ANY Sit BOW -FRONTED SIDEBOARD. Grand Pianoforte hyBrcod-ood.


LouSs Eoiewood and Marqueter'e 3('t China lth d-ub eonvet ard doors and a Marquetcrte Chest-Cabinet. GEORGIAN MAHOOANY SEMI-CIRC JLAR HUNTING TABLE Oversprun; Chester? eld Settees and Lounging Cha'rs, Georelan Bureaut. Fitted Wardrobes, Bow-fronted Dx.irl Chesrts and Tambour Bedside Cup-bnards LouFs Braclcet and Mantel Clocks In choice Bali' and Dresden ch'na case' the FINELY C'RvED OAK ALCOVE ARCH ond ANflPIRn PANELLED MANTEL- inith.n a few minutes walk of the Ullage, The elevations are of rustic brick end LACK'S CORNER Kosher Restaurant Se I5ui Where exrellent Continental Catering nauy ot ninvd OPEN DAILY. 12 noon 10 1 pm Week-end meals may oe reserved SiaCJtpaora on Strictlv Kosher Rcytaurni HH-Si) Central Drive Meet at "BlacJi' Corner Tel BlncKprml ELYSIAN, Cheadle Hulme CONFIDENTIAL AGENT Charles Boyer. Lauren Bacall MATTRESSES REMADE OR REPAIHhd Phonr write, ox lor est.mate Vtt collect and del.ver RONALD ALAN, the Beadlig Specialist 24.

The Dowm NATIONAL Pub.lclt O-ganisation retju res acthe In 1,000 level Lanes and North-west district experience in special-iy market ng an advantage sa.ary. comnjlssion, and e-cpenses Address 376 pebhae-dash wltn ti-ed roof, and the accommodation comprlMS Ground Floor; Entrance hall. Jofine. 15tt lilt wltli oai: mantelpiece; dining-room, 15ft. 13fL 3ln REX, Wilmslow.

STRANGLES 3 Greenstreet. ith moaern enc.oica ibvud mm uiwa vujy- ORK. Please send your inquiries IT is a pitv that any doubt should boaras, ccuiiery witn sine, larner. rurr. ANTIQUES Will! WRITTEN GUARANTEE.

i ij i ir or trie Largest ana Best Selected OKVU1NE ANTIQUES IN THE NklH c.itlerted trom old Eal'sn. Scotch, i fti sti lun-es. Incurtln PURN1TURS. IM ri'l'ts K1LVE.H. POTTERY and CHIN.


4. UtNfaQATE. MANCHESTER. TEL BLA tS30 House PRE 1H60 LstaD sned ean VTF 1) i VT1 QDE9 FOR rSH MANAGERESSES FOREWOMEN Fitzgerald Lorre to BRITISH CORK MILLS LTD Manchester Guardian PUBLISHERS' Repreaentauve requ'red for'on ftork- salar and comm'sslon on good oasis 383 A obtrude into an experience mat aa Floor: Three excellent hed rooms, Kithronm- senarat w.c. TnerB ll Victoria Str-et London 1 HOLLERITH Accountins Macnine Superv.sor (Female.

App.ications are invited for thla vacancy In the Federation Statistics a good store cupboard on -hi landlnc. LEGAL NOTICES MOORF1ELD ENGINEERING CO. DEN TON LIMITED. Members' ladles desire the buyins of furs Absolute fa th in the advice ind aood name ol the reller is essential S'mon Brooks. Ltd are Outside.

Timber and asiJeito enrage. ueparuncm- anoitcants snouio oe tuny experl- Coalhouse prud of the trust ol their cllcnte'e Their models possess orbj'nallty and are lul.v IOC A FIRM GIVES EST pRICBb for and Acceisorie Enlariert. Cine Cameras and Pro lectori. Lensp Prism uicroseopei Lanterns Scienttdc Instrumenu. Slide Rulas Sunrav anr Vi-Rty, Radiant Heat ardently wanted Immediate caih a FRANKS LTD 9-07 Dean ate Mane nest er rncca inc sescmg up ana operat on or machines Please apply to the Secretary.

British Non-Ferrou', Metals Federation. 132. Easier Road BLrm' ncham 16. detaiLs Area 44A square yaraa. rretotwa free from chief rent Rateable value 19 as niten Mahogany Circular Dintns Table.

Valuoble TURKEY. AXM1NSTER. WILTON. and INDIAN CARPETS. Choc Enflsh, nnd omental Decorative China.

Cut euironteed Fashioned under personal BUperlntendence Trade and export inquiries Rates 148. in the pound. THREE P.rst-class Travellers requ red on commission by Wholesalers, Je 1 1 1 rs Fancy Goods, must have connection 'enJmff jeweUers, stores. A Donn 32. Cltl-ii-iT on St Mancliester 4 BLA IddO TECHNICAL Representative, age 25-o5 ears aith initiative, fiDod and eitperknce ol textile and meciianical englneer-iag, required by foremost firm of poKer trars-mifsion eneineers for Leeds, ShelUcld, and the TrVoOi.en d.str.ct' good salary, comxn'ssion.

and. expenses. etct ient protoccto lo- ad.ance-ment' successful applicant ou'd be required ot me. experience and present salary Voluntary Liquidation). Tne Companies Act, 1929 Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors of the above-named Company which is being voluntarily wound up, are required, on or before the 6th day of December, 1946, to send in their lull Christian and surnames, their addn-sscs und descriptions, full particulars of their debts or claims, and the names and addresses, of their solicitors (if any) lo wticon on.

Ann treei. ftian ester BLA 4S59 l-ASHIONS For further partlfulori tpply to the MiLHAuirts wantea ior. smau alarms-up Faetonr? mut hai.e rivojirlence In cuttlrLs. AUCTIONEERS, 60. Sprint Oaraent.

Manchester 2. and Bank Souare. Wltniiilow: or to pORETRY -Individually Designed and Engraved Venel'nn and Glass. OIL PAINTINGS. WATER-COLOURS, and COLOURED SPORTING ENGRAVINGS by Frank.

Paton, Edaar Hunt. Randolph Oa de-cott and others, a quantity ot Books. Choice se-rlng, and! makinB-up children's and ladies' OR-RAY. We are now booking XJT orders (or OR-RAY KONERAY SPORTEX.If your Tailor can supply you with Sportex your suit will ba made of Scotland hardeit-miearing cloth Messrs JACKSON, BARRETT. GABS.

wear, etc gooa in nent person Addresa 344 Manchester Guardian SKIRTS made from your own material. solicitor! 85a, Wellington Roaa tttimn, tn 1 HTO XO fSl tnrt RjHIl Ic Miniatures on ivorj. a 110-250 voltt, suitable lor schools, lecture-hniu jut- all Acceasorlcs and Screen STEWART artwAKl, comer oi Deanaeate and Elackfrlars Street Square. WilmsJow let Wllmtlow 59881. if.

r. exact requirements Improve ii Comlort. Our Corsetlere. a Hf.rcrt'd Nurse, ensures suitable dealin i il i tic Orders to medical direction i ClIOMPTON CORSETRY (actual Jt ja'crsi 229, The Rock, Bury. Tel.

315. a i. 1 2 to 6 CLERKS, ASSISTANTS, CAPABtaE Girl, aged 18-22 years, secondary school education, required. SW. M'c.

as Filing Cleric and lor General Office Duties, ful! Particulars. A 378 Manchester Guardian to loin contributory eupeiannujt on scneme. Address bv letter, givlntj exper'ence and references, 3B0 Manchester Guardian TRAVELLER Wanted by we l-knon Manchester Manufacturers of Mantles and Costumes on stand, to new. Set of London nl. Wh.aL'pr "ft ry.van Bed with DETACHED SEMT-BUNOALOW AT WEST nirwnnfw TO BE OFFERTD FOR SALE BY AUCTION TOM GARNER LIMITED will Purchase GOOD-QU'LJTY.

LOW-MILEAGE. PRIVATELY OWNED Brtrlh and American Cars or RECENT MANUFACTURE Pleads send fullest particular and price required to TOM GARNER LIMITED, 1012. Peter Street. Manchester BLAclcfrlars 9265-6 (REEN ZONIS desire to Jf Purchase number ol Saloons and Llmou tjes in good condition Any make or Olstance no object 246-252. Deanasatff Minchester 3 'Phone BLAcltlrlars 5507 chinu silk-fringed head panels and rther Inlaid MahoEany FULL-SIZE for Midlands ov.n car and connections with bin retail store- essential 334 the undersigned Frank Arthur Pitt, of 14, John Dalton Street, Manchester 2.

the liquidator of the sail Company, and, IX so required by notice in w-iting from the said liquidator, are. personally or by their solicitors, to come in and proe tnelr debts or claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit ot any distribution made before such debts are proved. Dated tils thirtieth day of October, 1946 F. ARTHUR PITT, Liquidator, NOTE This notice is purely formal, all claims of which the liquidator has had notice have been cr tvIU be paid 'n full MAHOGANY BILLIARDS TABLE by Onue and Sons, with Accessories, Pair 12-bore Hamuivr.ess Ejector Sport'D Guns by Wood-umrit Rndlntrram lHn ccod order). WEilriTltODuCED Buying Aeent wanten for 4 aell-knovin London Firm of Gowi Manufacturers, to buy Dreis Stllc Materials for the better end: an excellent txisitlon lor unless previouiiy aoia oy private itciuj, 07 W.

H. SUTTON SONS, at the ESTATE EXCHANGE. 46. Fountain Street. Manchester, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th NOVEMBER, 1946.

at 2 50 pm. prompt, subject to conditions of sale- AN Attractive Modern Detached Bunea'ow-type RES. DEN CE. Antlaue Oik Gatelee Table and Circular IL CO TS REMODELLED A tt li i riti Kepair. and Remodel Y.i OL!) PUH COAT Equal to Nea TWO ELKS SERV1CS iss Established 25 years NORTH FUR COMPANY.

BROWS STREET 1. njp OPOl PEA .5353 well-known buyer Address 405 M.G." Monk'J Bench, Old Brats, copper, and A. OTTATT-TTV OP WELL-MADE POLLO Collectors' monthly rt Mseailnt Finely Illustrated Ctilourm cover Paintings old and modem). Ceramics (Japanese and Wedgwood) Barometers F're rms Pewter other Collector subjects ard saleroom price Annual sub-scrlption 35s Specimen copy by post 2s Sd APOLLO 10. Vio Street.

London 1 or trom Newsagents and Bookstalls LOANS 5 to 50 to Members only Applications for membership Invited. PROVIDENCE PERMANENT MONEY SOCIETY (Renlstered under the Friendly Socle-ties Actsi 5a Old Ha i Strttt. Mlddleton HERBERT PARTINGTON Secretary NO 23. MACEPIN AVENUE. WIXOFIELD 6ECONDARY FURNISHINGS.

OUTDOOR EFFECTS. Including flat-bottomed Lake Boat and a large variety of Miscellaneous FHTerts CHARTERED Accountants require experienced Shorthand Typist immediately. 199. CIVIL Service Opportunities tbrouea tne -normal eliminators now resta-ted Reconstruction examinations still open to ex-Service men and -om-n Send for free guide to The School of Accountancy Dept 23, Recent House Glasgow. 2 COMMENCING salary of 275 per annum will be paid for an experienced Shorthand Typist with knowledge of the con.

ert jig tec: Ion of the textile trade by old-established Manchester Warehouse. 202 CONFIDENTIAL Booltlceeper-Typlst required bj, gentleman for his private housing estates ruH or shorthand an advanu ge apply confluence, stating age. eTpcnence 379 Manchester Guardian pOPYWRITER. W. own tree As Sons, department store Scaroorougb, require a woman Copywriter fully experienced in high-class lashion ano furnlahlniT advert sine.

btTUATIONS AND A UcNCiES WAN! AMERICAN Representative ol repuuVe port-export firm will handle English products lor United States and South Amenta win take orders for American products Address 354 Manchester Guardian AMERICAN Manufacturer with distribution throughout the entire United States and Western Hemisphere Is seeking Representation of both Sterling and Silver Plated Holloa are also interested In Purchaslne Stamolncs. Cast VOUR MIND AND HOW TO USE BROWNS OF CHESTER Til SELL BY AUCTION, upon the on WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, and BINOCULARS cleaned, adjusted, and repaired All makes Speedy service rM charge. Car! ns. Cort-' 1'rn St Mc HAULAGE REMOVALS, AC.

i -SHDHNES REMOVERS and rs i a.entunt RoJd. aancheIteI K.i '-it Mhi and Oatlev 91 vi NOTICE is hereby given, that WILHELM ROSENLAUM, of 34. Milton Grove. WhaUey Ranee Manchester 16, Is applying to tbe Home Secretary for NATURALISATION, ana mat any person who knows any reason hy naturalisation rshoutd not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Under-Secretary of State. Home OfDce, London, W.

1. FRIDAY. 13th. 14th, and 15th NOVEMBER. 2 MEDLEY'S HYDRO.

MATLOCK Ri nin Hi iy40, commencing cacn uuj at ii T.h. Nfp.thm.nt. orlll li. Available imuw KfUfKWf-u M. 11 A comp new nrnJiunuii utewvu ol Mind and Memory Training bj vv Ennever, th Fnunde- cf Pelman sm Jissures the lullest bcrettts from short postal coarse of all lessons only.

Inclusive lee 30s Write to-day for lree descriptive pamphlet. The Ennever Foundation i Suite 4 1 Ve-non House, SlcLlan Avenue Lcndon 1 PARK, WHX niJjouKX The accommodation comprises- Porh. entrance hall, lounge-dlnls room (this room can easily be converted into two rootna 1 kitchen, scullery. three bedrooms, with tmmers'on heater, separate wc Oijtslde Wooden ffaraae and coalatore ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER Freehold Chief rent Pin p-r annum VACANT POSSESSION. For further partlcu ars apply to the AUCTIONEERS, 60 Spring Gardens.

Man-cheater 2, and Bank Square. Wilmslow: to Messrs A WOOD DYSON tt estate agents arid valuers, 25 Lower Motley Strtit, Manchester: or to Messrs. THOMAS WELLOCK 6c SON, aollc'tori. 34, Cec Street, Oldham. ings, and Fancy Wires, and completed Items rw'T fnr nt'stlntr: sjit.Af actnrv financial credit on view iDy cutaioKuc oniyi luuoij, xm.

NoveTtber. from 10 am. to 4 m. Catalogues irrr 1. 5Lhl on annllcatlon to the CONTRACTS will be furnished- kindly supply photographs Auctioneers.

34-40. Esstsate Row. Cheater CONTRACTORS SHOPFITTERS BUILDERS HOLOPL AST A NEW PLASTIC BUILDING BOARD At SO FLAT PLASTIC SHEETS BREEZE SLABS, 18 9 3 and 18 9 412. Concrete Double Hollow n'r-v. IB Pruts flate Posts.

Tel One) DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED 1 ii FN. ED General Wanted ior small 1 i TViujfa liberal oli tines, refs. -i. Piljtine Road (top llat. back (UM iL Mild Wanted eood wages and lu ipble persun.

dally help kept. a a rtlihirtpton "Phone DID. 5864. t.c uib VTse Wanted, tor posi- lutnnien.n? January- district. North TACQMAR.

For you to choose frnm iTMWlll selection Of FOR SALE BY AUCTION on THURSDAY or sampjes. ait replies wut oe ireatea stnctjy confidential Victo-ia Sliver Comp inv. 2119-21, Arch Street, USA. Philadelphia. 3, Penna SELLING Organisation In North of England, app 2 000 live accounts amongst retail, multiple, and co-ops desire other Lines.

Address 563 Manchester Guardian Ll'ntols. VLE CAST STONE Op applicants must nave a thorough knowledge of press and direcf mall publicity and be capable of comp.ling wad controlling mailing lists Write giving details of experience and sEiJar-r required (to Ua out! to Staff Manaaer Cheetham Street MJddletoa Tn Mia 'zauo. new scarves designed by JACQMAR. 16. Growrenor Street.

London 1 And avail 14th Mov tails lk, ly-io. at me LONDON AUCTION MART. EC A Bv order of the Public Trustee (W89A) AN CHESTER. TnviystTnffnt or Future Occunaton in ACTOR PAINTING. able at Jacqmar anops CORRESPONDENCE and General Clerk JBj If Your Works Require Cleaning and nmaintinor.

either Brush Painted or Sprayed. required for Office of Engineering Company mAKe Lind experience, St tstan kept) Wanted 1 inlrv ct T561 M.O." AS. WOODHOUSE AND SON, 42. UEANSGME. MANCHESTER Phone Tarn 74.

Xr 76 MARKET STREET in fatocKport dtatrict- Enow.eae ot languages. Modern Colour Schemes, skilled men are m.jnfPBuns findR-Q. will do.t hlrhest ViMtL (or elnre Country Business 1 i Cook General and Two applicants to state iuii aetaiis oi experience, ace and salary inquired 372 M.G TC1 XPERT EINCED Lad Clerk reouired: A avaiiao-e sou consult G. L. (PAINTERS), Chambers.

Priorv Street. FREE OF ALL LICENCE RESTRICTIONS In Various Thicknesses. Jtie 8ft. by 41 1 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Distributors: KEIZER CO. LTD LIVERPOOL 66-72.

St Ar ie Street CPhone NORth 2343 LONDON 150-160, City Read. EC. CLErltenwe.l 3383-5 LEEDS 33, Hunslet Bead ('Phone LEEds 251H6 LEITH Mitchell Street LElth 3562T 1 GLASGOW 152-8. St Vincent Lane. C.

I ('Phone C1T 0465 ij and 2 4. SPRING GARDENS Freehold Corner Property, subject to annual chief rents totamng 49 14s 9d Frontage to Market Street, incl sp'ay about 52ft 6in and to Sorirwr Gardens about 61ft. 3Ln TWO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CZECHOSI4OVAK Ajent cerke representation of British Arm cxccVert connections, especdallT In textile Kupke. Prague XVI. FtbLchova 18 EXPORT RAYON GREY STATE London Conertor, retognisea oy Cot ion Eoard.

havlns -world bu'lc orders, seeks and future suppl.eo Spun, Marocain Satin. OtTrtmeaJ. Dobbiea Mess Romiiae: excellent opportun'ty deconcentroted or other weavers make permftted prices (or sochI Reproduction and Modern Bedroom Suites. Dininc Seta Three-piece Sets. Bureaux.

Bookcases Cabinet, Single or complete enntent, of bnuses Jt' and General Office work 5-dar weei ijl uifr-duti generous salary: coitaee c-iuntorts when off. duty 7 Minrhester Gi'rdian Dutllev. Wares "Phone Dudley 3051 5c 3303. Structural Steel Paining Factory Address 375 Manchester Guardian EXPERIENCED CasbJer-Bootfceeper requ'red for Limited Company In the Merchanting SHOPS, BASEME TS. and the Fully Licensed rJFtnw a iic1c-ud Shon and Four Roonnff and az ng uiacis-out itemov m- ESINOL Ointment specific for ml Under Expert Superrlsion Business, aoollcatlons to be submitted in own RE TInrwr Floors let at rental totUJl 4,654 HOUSEKEEPERS.

COMPANIONS 'l hmlt Wanted lor uitdde-ased -1 ip snail new house In Pi Rood waees. liberal outlnss STRETFURD. MODERN SEMI-DETACHED RESIDENCE TO HE SOLD BY AUCTION BY F. H. COLLER, F.A.L.F.A., on the pr-mises.

on TUESDAY. ROVEMBER bth, 1946. at 2 30 pjm. prompt, sub)ect to conditions of sale to be then produced. 1TO.

14, RT REE -ROAD, iH off CROMWELL ROAD. EDGE LANE, STRETFORD The prop-rty is brick built, root tiled. nl Is ml detached, containing bail with clo-ii-room. lounge dining-room, kitchen with raue and Easlwork cabinet, scullery with sink and gas cooxer. pantry, three eood -sized bathroom and separate (half-tiled, garage The property is held undsr an underlease dated 1st December.

1955. for a term of 139 jears deis tbe last tea days), from 16th May, yi5 subject to a ground rent ol Ecrnia tiv morrnoics csningics. v-nu handwriting- etving details aa to education, age, per annum, with opportunity of possession or XnOR Boiler and Economiser previous exper ana salary requtrea lya. blalits and aJl skin irritations Ask your chemist for It The Keslnol Company 12. Fluroy Street Lordon.

I rerers-on to tne tuii rcnLi tuuc oi uhc bhu Sea! jis and CEeanine bend vour inquiries to THR ARISTOCRAT THE BOILEll CC lA3r01MXijtirt tKJjVLalfaU II WOOL WOOLL1 ES i ND WOOLLENS -IQLf OF JjJ knowledge of shorth-ind and typewriting Wanted: must be capable of runniruc Small CELEBRATING THE i Ma Chester Guardian 'vfct-PER, superior, experienced, lor j. tUle famtt. three children at ti' stale temun and relerences Manchester Guardian UNROSPUN COMPANY (MANCHESTER). LTD 424, Bury Old Road. Prest-s ch Manchester.

Telenhoce: PREstu'ch 2036 Office: stale experience and reference" per VINTAGE HOUSE. 413. Old uompion Solicitors. Messrs BURTON RAMSDEN 81, Piccadilly. London, 1 Mansint Aaents Messrs ISAAC NE1LD, SON.

LEES at Mrir Strpt Manchester manent and good prospects. Aaaress tin con Modern plant and organisaUon ensure rENTYRBLEACH' the. Perfect Street London I can offer vo'J a food var'ety ot choice COGNAC LIQUEURS. CHAMPAGNES SPIRITS WINES "rloe List on appl cation 1(2-104 MARKET STREET. MANCHESTER moderate terms.

Ask for details of our Annual Service which reduces scut Cleaning Costs and mr ror arxinccai iccm iuj iui elastics l'6l2 per bottle Ml Chemists having been sod by private treaty prior to TUTORS, GOVERNESSES. Ac. 'i Wanted lor January 1st -1. n-immir School: mainly 1 Etipt sh Burnham Scale with il increment Address 'k Matu-esrcr Guardian AUCt'on. is now iYiinuKiiwn inrreases youT isuiltlk 1 tirH'-fT luture aimntee: trade Aaarc 04 Marchte- Guardian EXPORT BELOIUM WeU-lrtroduced British ATert 3rd Importer, vith otBce centre B-usaeis requ'-es addStSonal Cotton and Rayon Piece Gooiis.

Proofed Fabrics Ltither Goods excellent connections exjst Gordon Staple. Representations Anelaises. 56 Boulevard Mat Bruxelles FAMOUS Desujnr wishes to Contact a Light Ens'neerlnc: Concern IrnmedLcte'y wita tew to co-operitin(r in the produci'on of his latest dcAUms much groundwoilc has betn done. Jnc'udtnsj the appolntlns ot dlstr'butora for the home and export marltets who mil'. tke upwards of 600 030 of goods rer annum: the production has the full approval ot the Btnrt of T-ade and UV Ministry of Sapply and t-1 posdible he ha been promised: Interested Orris shou hae aallab at least 30 000 sq It of floor spao.

including mchine shop ihe advertirwr x). devote his full time to fidence ijjb Atartcnaster uuara.on, EXPERIENCED Shorthand Typ at required (Traflord Park areal pcrmanencv tor right applicant. Ftate are, experience, and salary r--qulred. 287 Manchester Guardian. FOR a permanent career in I ele vision.

Radlo-Commun, cations Radio Servicing or as a Merchant Kavy Radio Officer, train at The Wireless College. 25. John DaJton Street Maneheater BLA 7501 mATTERSALL. SONS. LTD.

On virw ftnturdiTi. October 26th and ENGINEERS, DRAUGHTSMEN FLRST-CLaSS C4 el Engineer required Ior larfe Dyeworks: only appllcat'ons irom men holrting mi. at posLttoa will be considered: ability carry out rap-d breakdown A Chin5nev Bu.Iders. Refractory Contractors. Auctioneers: HILLIER.

PARKER, MAY. and ROWDEN 77, GrOaSvenor Street. London, 1 Mayfa'r 7666 Rotar. Kilns, Water Tube Lancashire Boiler TUITION WMw it esprnenred oualined Teacher. lf Maruhcster Guardian.

November 2nd. and Monday. Noyembe, 4th. from 2 pm. to 4 30 p.m.

Further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer, Telecraph BuUdtnga. Railway Road. Urmston fURM. 24T2: or from ths Setters iay, tbouennca wao aiesjrounn GIRL Lab. Assistants Wanted for large Chemical Work in th Manchester area-School Certificate standard in Chemistry LEGAL Solicitor.

ARNOLD HAnCQCK, PUBLIC OFFICES, Ac. BOUNTY MENTAL HOSPITAL. WINWICK. Kt WARRINGTON STUDENT NURSES (Femalei required tor tralnin Lectures and demonstrations are given In preparation for the A laminations Good prospects of promotion on Qualification. Candidates must be at least 1712 years of ase.

Salary according to Rushcluie Scale, eommendni at 150 per annum, of which a75 represents beard. lodging, and washing, and uniform provided Grants of 10. C20. and 30 respectively will be paid at the end of the nrst. second, and third year of studentship provided that the student has teen successful In passing the necessary 1.

ILNCED roneTanclnc and Probate 5H1PPINO ANCHOR LINE. INDIA and U.S.A repairs ana lo ma n-in piLtnt anu uuuuun. first-class '-nnd i.on should be mi'n quallfl caLons. 55T Manchester Guard: an ATTERN MAK ELRS First-class Man req ST in wcK-cqu pped modern factory: hln Tites of pay. Write for details to Ss it in son Bros Ltd Torrtogton Avenue.

Coventry pr3a oarcens, Manchester a t-n. jdwi. rd bi Manchester Solicitors preferred o-i Martcnecter uuaruian JOIN3CRY Estlm-atna Clerk (Junior, reautred: district, preferably with practical exper In joinery must btj thorough and accurate in hts work Address, state age. and vaee reaulred S9i Manchester Guardian. ANCHOR LINE.

LTD re ase experience, nna aaiary Manchester Guardian. ttlLY cipcr enced (admitted or Uedl Clerk required to take charse XEQUIRED for extensive oeveicpmen; pro 64. CTiOSS EsXaCSTJ MANCHESTER Or Local Axenta TOURS LADY Clerk required for City Office; age 18-25 muct be quick and accurate at figures" typing an advantage. Address full CONTINENTAL HOLIDAYS. Book your 1S47 Continental Hol'daya examinations women wno wa.c least one year's whole-time service lo -is uepartmeni.

mus oe y.yauic AUMUt i.upervlsion: tfood salary to man Address, iclth experience and salary required. Ma'chfster Guardian M.UA.I0N3 WANTED I M'EH LNCED Clerk-Typist (40) at liberty 1 1 onl 'J7 "MO" Now iiy air 10 bW ucrieura, rtcatn i.wwri Forces or in wora oi receive a special allowance (aB5 In the Unit CALDER DYEWOP.Ki ERIGHOUSE WITH VACANT POSSEaOV SALE OF FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD SINGLE-STOREY BUILDINGS containing OTer 5.000 square yams of Coor space, with a Valuable Steam ard Psaer Plant TO B5, SOLD BY AUCTION by EDDISON. TAYLOR, BOOTH, at thUr ESTATE ALE ROOMS 6. HIGH fJTRESl HUDDZRSFIELD. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 1546.

at aeren o'clock In the evenlns subject to such conditions as be then produced 4 LL those Valuable FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PACTORY PREMISES known as ALDER DYEWORKS. situate at Brishouse comprising sererai Slas.e-sto-ey Sheds, Canteen, Laboritory. Roller and Engine Houses. Ofnces, coouinln a total floor area of over 5,000 sq 7rds Together wltti the Motive Plant, comprisin Three Steel 2-flued Lancashire BolIerB. oreen'a Patent Fue.

Economiser, 224 pipes, new 1930, Pumps. 150 Horizontal Compound Condensing Eniicie hy Newton, Bean, acd Mitchell, Shalt toe. Steam and Water Resene Water Cisurn. S6k w. Eetrte Generator.

Ewitch Board Electric Llrhtlcg By Direction of the Owner-Occupier. NORTH WALES INGLES ANT. DINGLE HILL. COLWYN BAY. IDEALLY situated Detached RESIDENCE on tbe banks of the famous Dingle with private path leading to the Promenade, and close to the popular Elria Park, suitable for ggueit ham.

Two reception-rooms, sitting-room-kitchen. 7 bedrooms, bathroom immersion beater). 2 s. Half-acre charming wooded ground; summer-house Freehold AU main aerrlces. Immediate possession.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION unlen previously old by Private Treaty at the CENTRAL HOTEL. COLWYN BAY. on FRIDAY. 15th NOVEMBER 1946. at 3 30 PJO.

Further particulars from tbe Auctioneers, T. BRACKSTONE Penrhyn Road. Colwyn Bay (Tel. 26B6). Solc.tors- Messrs.

OSBORN. SENNISON. and HUOHES. Central BolMlngi. Colwyn Bay.

particulars 198 Manchester Guardian LEARN TO DRIVE at PEMB ERTOTS tfOTOR SCHOOL Special Coaching for Government Test 16'22. Atkinson Street, 3 BLA 1934 LIBRARIAN required for Spec 11 Technical Library at new Research Association's soon to-be established at Melton Mowbray. rear) in aoamon to ie wu uu.uj period of training Four weeks- leave per Th a SUDJeCt tO the XV urimnie Electrical Drauihtsmen via experience jteiUora H.T. and LT dLs-tr'butlon schemes. cies'ga and layout.

A.C and DC htaw industrial control gear: sraon with similar experience In other Indu-st-les would be considered Apply by letter staling age. experience, and salary itculred. to Chief, Draughtsman. Domnan L-cng and Co Lti Central Eng-neerirm Department Bri annia Worts Midd.esbrcujh. REQUIRE, Number of Mechanical Enirtn-eerln Drauithtsinen rith machine tool experience: age between 2d and 50 years permanent positions with good salaries and under the best conditions for the riirtn men file-day wee 374- Manchester Guardian OTRrjCTCRAlr and Mechanical Draughtsman 1S Ktt Rrm encased SALES BY AUCTION BF.AMHALL the project 3 do Manchester Giiaruian LONDON expo-t 0 as IS a to tare Financial Interest or finance small and medium manufacturers 2 arc anx'oJS to develop and Increase proa uc tte 11 of for export purposes stale detail 30 LONDON Expor Mf-fhiri cri re offe-s of cotlon p'pee soos fi rr.arcet alloca-ticms for Turkey Sua-1 op'a.

British West Africa in: Conso ctalefty whie mu s. P- rotions for Tnrtey. Er.trea. E' ai Sudan, also pr.nteci cottrtis nir.f drLLH for Brit-th West a Bflfm Congo Address 41S i PLASTIC LAMPSHADE Si TEH i- ab'c to manufacturer cr.j Inqu re Pliiwx, 94. Market Manchetfter lei BU 1403 PROGRESSIVE Manchester Cochwej sales eoserire whole country wish to contact manufacturers ct new lines requiring eJHcien dls" ribvtt.on to larser retail stores, ma-i' order houses Ssc- only first -class goods in dealsn and workmanship provisions of the Asylums Officers' Superannua MOST ATTRACTIVE MODERN DETACHED tion ACS.

fcryMi.TMi as soon as possible to the Medical Super Lelc3terah re- must hare A.L A. or experience in special library. particulars to information intendent TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Messrs. RRAHY SON Manarer. froauetion Engineennjt Kesearca Association.

Frederick street. Loughborouiih. ch on MONDAY. 11th NOVEM BER, 194-6, at four clocfc ia the eltemooa LIVERPOOL SANATORIUM. FRODSHAM.

CHESHIRE. Senior Lady Cook required. Domestic 1 i n. exnertence essential. tjeicestersnire SENIOR Clerk Wanted, with some knowledge of finance, cricket club arrangements and subject to conditions saie TTT T.

VIEW. chin Uat. on of lounanes good salary and BrfMuwu ior fulT ciXT.petent. keen. ci.w ronn niuH full board and accom Br Direction of the Owner.

WORTH WALES. fixtures knowledge of local cricket preterrea. 4fln Manrheiter Guardian. XX KING'S CLOSE, o3 BROADOAK ROAD i rr. rr- 1 FCinSWlaV- ACCOUNTANCY sh of Commerce el F3 C.

EJteciit.ves and vo aii; responsible positions In eom- teit to apply for details of memher- te SVestmede. Preston Chorley. I ri'TE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. 1 EMPLOYMENT REGISTER urs requiring Chartered Accountants rroE ss cnal. commercial, or Industrial r.

are Invited to communicate with Institute ol Chartered Accoun-' Place. London. C. 2, the Hon Manchester Society of Chartered i 42. Spring Garuens.

Manchester Hor Secretary. Liverpool Society of -id Accountants. 24. Fenvtick Street, 2 So fees are payable. "-CHESTER Firm of Accountants require ir and Junior Audit Clerka: positively 1 quallflcationa.

experience, and salary. 21X5 Manchester Guardian. SITUATIONS WANTED osporated Accountant of 28 years modation ana unuorm riuw regarding the post may be had from the Matron to whom all applications should be HURST LEA. ABBEY OHOVT BBOS-OM-SEA. Installation encerLaincq: onj.

Aaaress aa. iio- The accommodation comprises hall with cloaSroojs, lounfe 'With lnjlenook and larje SHIPPING and Invoice Clerk tor Engineering Works- must be lully conversant with all shlppjvr procedure and documents, forwarding addressed. T. BRACKSTONJS CO. will OFFER TOB SALT BY AOCTION i.

3 and s. Drebotise Lane, and 39. Foundry bay (with french wincow openins on to a anj energezx man. Address ih detaij ol IgT. experience, and rels 382 "MO." SITUATIONS lAAKTEO MECHANIC EngJieer.

At-L (S.A aged 51. Just returned froaa South Africa toning to family reasons) seeks "Position ot respons.bJ.3ty; product. on. Inspection, malntenasce, good orgxn-sex and disciplinarian. Address 560 Manchester Guardian Street, ali adjoining the works, and ample rcnblt tA condlMona and unless trrerloaxl.

vacant L(na ior conaiaerauue uiruwlu. paed ttrrace). dininc-room with large nay aindow, kitchen or mornlns-rcom witn bay window and eood cupboards. half-tiled and invoicing ior come aw ssnwa control itaS and work on own initiative: state ase. full details ot and wage --a Hired Address 380 together with the water fleht connected tlr-r'aC'tl MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE has Vacancies lor (a Shorthand Typists not over 21 years et age.

(hi Junior Female Clerks for General OfDce. (c) Male Receptionist, preferably a partially disabled ex-Service man. Apply. In -writing In nrst place, to O. Box soH br Private Treaty! at tbe CTKTBAr.

HOTEL. COLWYN BAY, on THURSDAY, 21st HOVEMBEE. -946, at 3 30 pjn the DeUghtlollr Situated Well-appointed Semi-deucheo Modern Seaside scullery, larder; on the nrst noor ere tuec The Property is mostly Freehold, tnt a small portion Is held tinder two eases tag 999 years 15 UH. in A.N LI i-ypisi. expe-iencea.

for City OOce: permsnent position: state good nearooms. nau-tiiea Datoroaia, aepajin: PRINTERS PRESSMEN roa. stating aae. eatencure. Manchester Guard' an RAINCOAT Manufacturer oilers a cut.

make, and trim service to sh.ppine and home trade bouses. 329 Manchester Gaardiaii TETAILEaS. Orcien accepted now Ior li Chr-stixai detler tj range of Plastic. Metal, and Perspex Fancy Goods, Lamps and Shades fc small availaDle now Address 551 Manchester Guard-an SOOTH AFRICA, We can now undertake to amnfs Partnerships for Prcfessionsi men with South African arms seeking expansion or aew xceUent opportunity for dec tors, dentists, chemlsie. so lie tors, en-ffineers.

wlshins to in this prosperous and healthy country. Write lor free tttfcnnatioa to P. J. CllTtr and Son. 5c.

Aicter Birminahaai 15 mt a sotau inmiu: rent a koi au. th a vm nrnnrtT nrebenta an exce liezit age experience, speeoa. ana salary rcquir-m Hf 91a Manchester Go-iVdlan. Coal store with coverea approaca. Brick-built earase witn sink installed.

The house is well appointed has flash doors and "DSQUXRSD for Voluntary Hospital ol 4UU i Prvf Suoervlsor in close DroxlmltT to the Uartzie Drlre, and opportunity lor acquirin- premises suitable for bavrnf an exceptionally plesslnc outlook over i. dietitian, to take SHORTHAJiD Typist Reqctred for Advertising Agency: experlenc preferable, hat not essential: full details, salarv required, ekc Stowe and Bowden. Ltd 3. Paryintge. Man- Dyetnc ana riuninc.

zor ni cua tu Engineering and for other purposes where crounc fl.ior premises are essential. charge of the catering department- resident or Vt inniint'nnt aae. Quali LITHOGRAPHY Flrst-tlass Transferers rejolred possibility of learuini deep etchlnx' excellent crnd.tlona. permanency to riht taen'ara to Ben Johnson. Printers.

Vert- WAJTTKD. Man lor flrsclaas Coloar Wort on Mini t-colour Offset Machine: 5-day wret. O.C al Pr.ntlng Serr.ce. 43. Himberatooe Road Lalcesxer.

leveed light windows to au mam rooms ana is in perfect decoratiye condition. The eardens are mo si pleasantly laid oat and well shrubbed, arui site, containing S25 sqnare yards or thereabouts, is freehold subject to a chief rent of 8 per annum. incl. 5 yra. Co.

Secy wide and admin, seeks. Commercial fications, and experience, to be addressed to be offered in one lot, and if rot sold the cnester i. i-ia cjooo SHORTHAND Typist requirea oy well establlsbed company in the Oldbaxa dtrict: 388 Manchester Guardian. eace'ient refs 585 MO" playing Deids, in a ames locality, 'in. coropect brVtnt ho aae contams squire faatl, 2 reception, rooms, well-equipped kitchen.

3 bedrooms, tiled bathroom, and separate Unen cap board (lmmerskm beater). Hies garden All main atrrlcej Vscan possession. FurtUer partlcolsrs fromfSe AUCIIOrlEXHS, Penrhyn Boad. Colwyn Bst. SoUeltois: Saessrs.

OSBOfUI. BWJKrnSOlt. HUOHSS. Central Buildings and DwelhnC'honses will be offered separately and the Motive PCant will be acid DRAPERY. MILLINERY permanent position ana exceuens prospects ior VACANT POSSSiiisiOA O.N warLCi Thr hrcusi will bd osen for Inapectioii on ucmp.

I SOYS YOUTHS. AC suitable person: please reply, stating age. VARIOUS TRADES: Work Wanted IT.WSAT,T. Ji-Fir? Cannirf Mar-jsionx BABY Linens. Ladles' Underwear Qfpw thorouchr experienced Sales, for Maccles- Novesnber 2nd.

6th. and 9th from two to four o'clock or by appointment. TN'ERSHIP available tn Boxy established "Vr-podj Practice, competent, qualified (either aexl. SI 200 ai-O experience, typing and snort nana speeas ana talary reaulred. 0 3S3 Manchester Guardian mt ImK ratitu, at-tr MOCTierjCe CO BOY Wanted for Office of Te-ttlle Warehouse: 1 to 16 j-tars of ae straliht from ont piecemeal at later cue.

Further particulars and card to flew may be obtained cm application to tbe AUCTIONEERS at their Offices. 6 High Street. Huddenntld; cr from MXLLf BEST. A WILSON, solicitors, fctatloa Street BcUdtags, Hoddersneld and de-requisitioned Premises Cleaned throughout: parquet and panellinxr Farther particulars imm tne Annatni. Bguaingt.

corwyn gay. Urgently wanxea q-xBtinea Kex-acaonut for Liverpool: permanent: state salary 21 Portland Street, 1 7 Warren Street, Stockport (Tei. STO. 22523 cr from Messrs. DAVIES and and H.

Roberts Ltd resnrlacea: carpets ana upnoJtery "cicpccea In irftnt tLavlnted walls and woodwork wished: THIS DAY at 10 30 a.m. -NT ED, Nurse to attend mother and c-- at St Annes. commence duties -1 most have good referencea: reply scations. age. and wage required Mac cheater.

JA CKSON rsaLctors. 59. Et. Petersgate. re-itnrecl and part-cntara -aver.

't chsnei. 1 wmTASTlfn m.rt Yocn-e Man. with clerical forniture Wished. Household! and Industrial MANAGERS. FOREMEN, AC JCj ChlWren Coats and Breechette Sett by wtj aS 217 Vane heater Guardian -HTARSHALL ac SNKLGROVK for their Gowns.

CU. ad Cleanint Company. 32. Grosvenor Gardena Mew3 North, London. 5-W 1.

S.oane for Sales Office in TraCsrd oil aaancnester utranuaii SITUATIONS WANTED ASSISTANT Wcuxs Entner requirea by urnttri! rtwcmnf in -West Midlands: Park: srcod waces and cciridltlc-ns: most bet cood HEATON ilOOK. HUDSSN DETACHED BOUSE TO EE SOLD BT AUCTIOH BT H. HAYWARD HOBSQN on pemtocs. en WEDNESDAY, SOVEM-BE3 6. 1946.

at three o'clock In tbe ittwrww. nbtf tn canElltlaos cf sa. CHEADLE HULME, 7 GRANGE (Cheadle Road A Charming Modern Detached BUNGALOW RESIDENCE, Tacant POM SAXJE BY AUCTION tU 1050 TTilTtMK hmriiMt coTnnietis machmin. fltttnx I- A requires Change of Position: age THE AUCTTOH Itomsa, 65. MOSLEY MKSII, UAKCHESTEB 2.

THOMPSON SONS will SELL BY ATfcnow Excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Two Pianofortes, Mahogany BUUards-Dlnlnc-table. Carpets. Jewellery. Theodolite. 2.00O Cardboard Boxes and other Piupeily.

Su Ann Place. Manchester 2. Smw, applicants must be ot graduate status, rullj Qualified mechxrt cal sun I ecu m-ith some 2t.r- i HuTBiarl rr nd rimrtlcaJ uuei lie-. Jj and testine capac.iy lor the canufaciare cper.ence nrst-aia nursing, aispcna' and hce- ambulance drirlzuc: u-mnfaeturera reauore the erviccs of a or SOU jrour-cyainQCT m-gji-speec uis Sndnea. enmslece set cf Jles and Tools araU DAVID MORRISON SON, VTos We, fare Officer or similar super.oT lor above and urtder 33.

Write lvint full partlcnlars of" s. eaper'-ence. posts held, mad salary able: dell very commenclnji June. 1947 Addrca THE Attractive Detached RESIDENCE. THE aOHOAJXW.

289. ddI Manchester ouartnan reliable DeaUner-cutter: moat be Crsj-ciaas iSilta5Prtenced la Ul Uassea of car-nenta, Addrea. id confidence -joai aa siiaacnesier onircan. reqp-r-d. A 322 Manchester ouaraian on the premises, on ivs.zti.tAit, wKaamum 19.

at 3 pm. Ch'ef rest 10 per annum Rateable value 31 pnis Ht3in i2ter or from the Auctioneers, TSDCSTRIAL OVERALLS- West Ridlnc laj able to orcan'se a sales departzneBC for commission Stunciacxurers nave Mieninc PUBLIC OFFICES, I BOROOGH OP ROCHDALE. TEMPORARY AROTITECTURAL ASSISTANT. Altrincnam ant. or P.

fe W. PAGE. cmrincers DRAUGHTSMEN export of piasuc cooc ana meiai runiiiarB room Capacity aTaiao: qtuci on otz irryewrs. x35 Manchstr Guardian solicitors. Manchester.

irxHKSilBT reaulred. honours deme. with -vp -aliens are lnitMl for One Temporary JaRR, Tnnacadxm, Haute Paths, and tiara Drives a speciality. Writ- 11, BEAULTETJ LEICES TER ROAD i Comer Of VL uan-wtr rfLtrlet lCDQVledae woriu and post-cradsate experience la nhyslcal cr col old ehescdstry. Address, atatirue Harrop Rcad.

FT-I ro.d 11 ration aaoox. Acccsuncdafori-Hsll, throosb lounge (19ft. long). intri frerjeh oicdar. dining-room.

4 eood beorocrns. tiled batn and w.c. with moeern ittux roomj attrnen. scuUerj: excellent wsb and store cellars: room far corage: garden Cnlef rent R4 6s. 44 per tnnara.

VACAHT roaSEESION ON OOSSPtXTlOS OP PURCHASE. Partner psrtlcalars from the Acettoneer 32. MeHsr Boad. Chearn Holme ('phone 445: or fra the Sclictora. Measri.

J. OCDd. HABOICEEB. BASSOS. Albert Sgcmrc.

Ma.rter 2 I'ptooe BLA 5561). as ox cues: t--ei----En--e oc aivtra 1 returnl-wt from mints ry service. 591- ANTED, canable Lady Shcrthand Typist. I with experience encirreerLn works tenaera. specifications, and cj-nresporaience.

Kease state VVe and experience lo West's Gas Irnprorer-ient Co Ltd. Albion Ironworks. Miles Platting. 10. WELL-EDUCATED Junior Clerk fMalel.

1516 years, required for Steamship Company's new 212 itane tester Guardian srruATtON wonted EFrTcntNcrir ttpbo ssavicss.3a. ppen-tsln Street, Manchester 2- Trytjew-rttrlJ-L and Drmlicatlne E-cecnted Pro-ntrtlr and SatU-tactciily: Shorthsnd Typist avaOabie Tel BLA. 4779 XX-ARiY TriLn-rpCTt omrri 130) seeks JZJ Situation: experience ill types ol Tehscles snd stall control. Bf 201 Manehciter Gmrdtan. TU-HOa (39).

good wlJltni. sdapt. JCl dea. Slrrjatlon. anjthlBi: urgent- 283 YOUNG Man.

33 yens, desires Kltahle Position: 8 years Begtusx Police Force. 2 years P.O. Merchant Kavy. 7 years Pump Pitiinsr: clean exlvtnx licence fan crospa) fcr Assistant In the Department ot Surveyor and Architect at a salary iccc-dance with JUP.T. Grade IV of the Joint Council Scale (420 to 465 rUHE Above Most Attractive L-awtoa Avenue.

Moston. aaancr.ester S- LAWN Mower Cy Anders and Blades Precision Groond: quics: serrtce. J. O. Worra.a, Ltd SI.

WtihT Grove. Mvc. BLA. C43S of Modern DETACHED RESIDENCE, witn racanr pc ssessUsa. TO BE OFFERED BY uitTand KarailaWrV uaTei.

Manrtester Gnardlan iSh apSEm ad saixrj I TTtosEMAN recjolred to taie ebai Nek 47 SLoPocl' a. AWwica Wuvllnt Sbpp j.BrlatoI: moat ha nt'n 5trs Tt Bristol: moat have plus eoat-of-IlTtng bonns at soond PKELaOWiaT usdsb DE500? fssiqegtarz. BOKBB. PASK ATEteOE. STAiflTOBO ROAD.

W7DNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. at eleren o'clock. THOMPSON SONS are instructed to SBU. BT AsjCTtOK, epen the peemues ccencXed by sir.

A. Y. Desne bclMer and contractor, the Sorptes BUILDING MATERIALS JfcPLANT, 2 arlXBHATSOttAI, AJB BBrDFORO-TTPPISO WAOOSS. and other ZSects. On Tlew Tnesdgy, NoTenrber 19, tram ten to four o'clock.

Partner particulars tm sopear tn next Saturdays atoncbester Auctioneers' Offlees, 65. Mesler Street, atancbester 2 Joint Trustees: ABTHtfS T. KAVXS. PiSJUA-. r.CA.

(Messn. Burr L. Price and Co.l 47 K'tler Street, Manrtwr-er 2. and CtABUS WHSOet. chartered accountant, 7.3 BooUi fl' Aahtcxwncder.LTne.

amounting to 59 16a. per aatmm MANUFACTURER with Uirs Capacity Li cow onen to take cm Extra Work: AUCTION by DAVIT MORRISON SON. F.A.I. House. London, w.c.

knowledge of A.C. and D.C. motors and ability to comro- labour Box E.C., Glovers Adrer- Woollen Kiocka and Two-piece Suits, also rn THTTTiaDAY. 2lEt NOVEMBER, 1546 tislne. Bristol 1 XTvruraiiM Coremaker for Liverpool district: Mantles and Costa mtz.

IZ 219 G. T3RMAS1TE. LTD. London. E-3 sOr, forma may be obtained from the Surveyor and Architect, Town Hall, to whom they should be retaroed not S- 1:1,0 9 a.m- on Monday the 11th (unless prer.oiy sod by priTzte treaty) free rvnr? bjsT oi heavy rataeeriiicteain 'fouai oe an jl ares Kep-, eanvgitcn ttcaa.

snxxpcrz experienced in shlpbQ-jding work iron and non-terrous): state salary required Address Ers to tjzv and full particuiars frco the Aa-toniers. A-trinchim and cr ERNEST '-rvasiinE diM-tv inrilTww. wilt be FLAT ROOFING SPECIALISTS tt FLOORING COJwTBACTORS ROOFING PELTS and HIGH USX MOD9IH BTJNOALOW TO tX SOLD BT AUCTION BY H. HAYWARD HOBSON on the nrarises. oa THURSDAY, WjYJHI-BEB 7.

196. at three o'clock In th 2'ternouD. sohjee! to eondltlans cf sale, CHALET. TsCPOKTAKT and ProatresaiTS Chemical VA orta in the North recmlres nrst-clsss Cerrirn tv'ri 'Scaiion Candidates must disclose lotthelr knowledge they are related TTsVOSE COTTAGES (No. 6).

and Adminvtravor. ii touna ib vatrae posiuw DAMPCOTJBSE A KERS Fnr 33 Tcoi3. LXturts. Tools jDMiared ondcr Manultetnrw: uiciauer or aenlor ameer or tne iiancii. XV SHARFSTONES LANE.

BAY3TON HILL, nea: SHREWSBURY Grand riew; excellent APARTMEKTS WANTED xrnnfrj stnrem reemlrea Accaa tvry of o- StruCttre Macufactured. Benalred. or Dlimaatltd: OiwlUnz. DetaUinx. bu service.

chaet in garcen; eectrx ana SLHMOND3. Town VtKIK. n-' Hel1- Rochdale. October. 1946.

liE ijVERpooL GAB COMPANY. on- njTvi exsentlsL 21 M.G water Vacant pciitessica. TimnJ. TTTESDAY. 19th IfOTEMHER.

lncnf. Lerelilnc. Kennedy JJTbSS uZmIJ ManaJanurera of Fin 1tS3sm: mateB.ce to that field nSaniaTjanlors with aome jtarv SouU nodr eoniiatoation; projpecta cood for rleba tra ct man 3 218 Ba-O. required lor welded steel plate JT laSStu abop 8.X. tondan: must rr arSStomed to prenar itawla.

laeneated ritSalrSt'fcnaera. itartlru rate cs 14a let 47 boarr. pleetwon paid teTuaVubl anplaTs after abort probationary rSrtoKltTrae pIeee-ork bonua oo a bate Steof 78b 6d. Is 50 per cent orertlme iit aeenrtty of imiiloyment aaanred for "VTOTrvn Gent reatxlres AccoaaeaDdatlcKi. r.

ICatlons are fnTliMt for rtf. Doaltlon ol COOPER GREEN. Shrewsbury. preferably in Tunperley-Sale axe, cesr railway station: out all day: no ooJeetloD to ana ixa I. sanaiianca tin tuttuey.

t'c 7 1 1'REOUS Ert am tl Sine- Capacity araiiahle lor Xnamellinf eTery oescriptica of Sheet- i-a-ni, Demonstrator, capable ol conducting and artvl-rlnff eaniumera on tbe 217 ot works manager ru ae uueieu naazvs. glvlna roll infornu'lon of experience, prerioos and present employment, and salary required. 203 Kanchester Gntr-llan. MACHINE -SHOP PC re man requiied' only those who nave previously held this position, and ore fully conversant with twrlnx, planing, and tprnttif. need apply.

Applicanta moit apply In wrlttns to rui nival en Reddish. Stockport, MAKAOSa for Brurlneerlng Works Oarage tn Saltord: able to do repairs to lorries and ca-a and supervise maintenance men and car dr'vers: eotta-re avaEable on site cf garage, 3,9 Manchester Guardian. Solicitor-. EaJB WILBOK, Eaq S3, Booth Street. Ash Uyn-gnder-Lma.


Onaw 110 18. 2d-, rotes 35 IBs. 4eU gronnd rent 5 10s. PTJBQC AtH-'lRm. FRIDAY.


JAMES LOWE SONS. FJi.L Central Clumber. Market Stw, wlfxa. urine witn fsnnly Address Manchester Ccmrdlan. Sl 163, Brnrros boad.

high ianz. AcfflmroocatlOE Porch, good Tins-room, 2 bedrooms bath and v-c. sHrtirnett. with cupboard csrdea back and troxtt. Chief rent 2 per anpam.

rateafc saae CIS. VAOAST POSSESS JOS OS COMPUTICeT OP PDKCHASX. Partner particulars from tbe Ancttoacer. 32. Ulloi Boad.

CUeadle Enlme ('phcrie 443): or fro-n the Sonellors. aaessrs. JACKOCT. BARRETT. CASS.

85a. Weninetpn Boad South. SUJdcoort 'Phcr-e STO. 3267). metal ware: modern plant witn expert stan: larce or email craan titles: lnouiries mTtted: L-nr? dlstrlrt.

374 Manchester Guard 'an. ACRES 82i, UPLAND FARM. Grand compact bouse, bnllitrngs. ana prodnctlre land In rinc fence. ASTON BOGEBS Vacant Possession.

Free Ingoing. AUCTION. TDESDAT. 19th KOVEMEER- COOPER GREEN. Shrewstjury.

of equljenent. Candidates oualined bv examination, and the will be In aecordance with the 'scalea ot pay and bonuses, as? giving the fullest pextlcnlara t- of two testimonials, should BoS2 fte Personnel Superintendent, Radiant -01-. Bold street. Uverpool 1. comber of Tears, reply uauni axe.

expen- APARTMENTS TO LET iKBOOB.TABLX AccomraodaUon'for One Pay-j iat Goes; llsdy). Glyn Celrioc. Wrexiam. on mam rail and Das rante Cnester to Oswestry-Address 390 Manchester GcardJan- YJK nave Mannttctigin capacity lor Cxstini and Flrdtsliinj OJC. Ftttincs up to 20la.

weigThc: sperfltrfw Steam Fittints and Lubricators: inquiries iaTiitd- 3S5 jad arbcm available laSh. Ltd. 69. New Oxford ijondon W.C I. Street..

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.