9D THE JOURNAL-NEWS, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1976 tHIRD PACE H3-S-4-7-S MODIFIED BELMONT RESULTS Saturday RACING RESULTS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Index Want Ad Classitiutions Itsttndint Kiniiui wit' Iim Ironi oi stciion. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 thru 16 EMPtOYMENT 26 thru 30 SCHOOLS Wiathtr Raining. Trick Sltppy. cl, mdn JYO up, I. Trl Peaceco (Rutsno) 17.60 a 60 3 insurmountable (Turcotta) 4.00 3 00 Liberace (Martens) 4 20 Off 1: 30 'A.
Time Scratched-Dun-cei Royalty. Md-MOO, cl, JYO up, a t. Aunt Bud (Cordero) 6.00 IN a 10 Furlong lor It (Cruguet) a. 20 3 60 Soft Kin (Velatquet) Off Time Scratched -Perfectly Adorable. Dally Double (1-2) paid 171 TO cl, JYO up, f.
Spear Carrier (Maple) 17 00 7 00 5 20 Company Commander (Santiago 5.40 3 60 Satant Quettlon (Hernandei) 4 20 Off 2 27. Time 1:17 3-5. Scratchtd-lm-moderate, Most Reliable, Cane Pole, Trainer Mickey. Exacta (44) paid HI. 00.
cl, mdn JYO, e4 I. c-Rays Trouble (Smith) 34 00 10 6 40 Wendyl Andy (Vasquei) 7.20 5 00 b-Chalrman Ok (Crugutt) 3 00 Oft 2 57. Time 1 21 3-5. Scratched-Putnam Edition, Pygmy. ale, JYO wp, 1 ml.
Little Rlva (velasquei) 12 20 5 60 3 40 Raille Oault Rey (Maple) 6 20 4 00 Wise Philip (Day) an Oft 3 2l4. Time 1:37 1-5. Scratched -Political Coverup, Patriots Dream, Helloioo 1st. Exact (3-7) paid 1 70 60. ale, 3YO up, 1 1-H ml.
Secret Call (Velasquei) 20 4 20 310 Arabian Law (Vasquct) 3.20 2 Wise Request (Cordero) 3 40 Off 3 SI Tim 142. Scratched-Crags Corner, Ailbhalt Luck. 7ftl-2500, alC, 1YO up, 7 t. Chief Tamaneco (Vasquei) 7.40 4 00 3 20 Lifts Hope (Cordero) 4 40 3 40 Wishing Stone (Maple) 3 60 Off 4 31. Time 1.23 3-5.
Scratched-Brown Cat, Enchumao, Logical, Right Mind. Exacta (2-3) paid (42.60. JYO up, VM ml. The Ruffian Purs Revlder (Vasquei) 5.40 2 2 20 Bastonera 2nd (Cordero) 3.60 2 60 Optimistic Gal (Maple) 2.60 Off 5:001. Time 2:01.
fttt-1200, ate, IYO up, I f. Quintal Vlchl (Velasq'i) S.M 4 00 3 00 Luxury (Vasquei) 40 6 20 Beautiful Gal (Day) 4 10 Off Time 1:10 3-5. Scratched-Johns Lais. Another Dawn. Fifth Of Mav.
Oinclng On, syivanigin. Triple (l-v-5) paid 9W l2.M,r7. Atttftdanc 14.132. Hanrjlt YONKERS RESULTS Saturday FIRST, Pact, 2:04.1 2- Max Tlme5.80 3.20 2 40 3- Pemmax 3.40 2.40 1-Scarborough 2.60 SECOND, C-2, Pact, 2:04.1 8-Skipping Stone36.00 11 80 4.20 1-Nevele 9 20 5.40 3- AII Laura 3.20 DAILY DOUBLE: 24 5141.40 THIRD Pact, 2:03.4 4- Bremoon 5 20 3 80 2 80 6-Melbert 4 60 3 00 5- Bg Puff 3.00 THE BIG TRIPLE: 4-4-5 572.00 FOURTH, Clmg. Pact, 2:01.1 1- Nardins Expressl6 40 6 00 3 60 3- Bye Bye Bullet 3 40 2 60 2- Dee Pee 4 .00 EXACTA: 1-3 545.64 FIFTH, Pace, SVSOO, 2:03.1 2-Pin Cushion4 60 3 40 2 20 5- Active Boy I 20 3 20 6- Dayvander 2 80 EXACTA: 2-5 SSt.M SIXTH: Pact, 2:02.2 30ld Salt 10 60 5 20 3 40 4- Ricky Joe 5 40 3 00 l-Lauras Skipper 3.40 EXACTA: 3-4 561.60 TRIFECTA 5-4-3 51,095.00 ATT 2,516 HANDLE 5249,990 OTB HANDLE 5107,312 MEADOWLANDS RESULTS Saturday FIRST, Pact, 1:59.4 7-High Hope Lyss44.60 18.40 6 20 1-Sequola 4.20 2 80 6-Birdie's Duster 2 60 SECOND, Pact, 512,000, 2:00.3 1-Scotty Direct9.60 4 00 3 20 4-Patches Almahurst3.20 2 80 3-Keystone Lawmaker 4.40 DAILY DOUBLE: 7-1 5246.00 THIRD: Pact, 1:58.3 Ripping Chiefl2.40 10 00 5 60 Flying Dream N13.20 8 20 6-lnvertor's Boy 3.80 TRIFECTA: 1-2-6 51,344.90 FOURTH.CImg., Pact, 2:00.2 10-Ray Gazi460 3 40 2 60 Joylyss Wickedl3.00 too Lincoln's Leader 7.00 EXACTA: 10-3 584.20 FIFTH, Cond.
Pact, 1:59.1 Bulvon 35 00 12 60 9 80 Taurus Romeo 8.40 6.00 9-Royal Prince 6.00 EXACTA: 3-4 8207.40 SIXTH, Pact, 525,000, 154.4 la-Nero 6.00 3 40 2 60 4-Young Quinn 3.80 2.40 3-Momentum 3 00 EXACTA: la-4 518.40 SEVENTH: Optn, Pact, 518,000, 1:57.7 Fly Fly Sollyl6.00 6 00 4 20 2-Rusty Knight 3.40 3 00 6-Whata Baron 3.80 EXACTA: 3-2 555.40 EIGHTH: Pact, 514,000, 1:59.4 1-Jilley 4.60 3 80 3.20 B-LeBaron Rouge 9.60 6.60 Preston Almahurst 5.00 EXACTA: 1-8 575.20 NINTH: Optn, Pact, 1:51. 7- Richmond29.20 8.20 4.60 3- Skipper Dexter 4.60 3.80 4- Atella Rainbow 4.80 TENTH: Clmg. Pact, 1:59.3 2-mamie's Lad32.20 14.20 7.40 9-Pegasus Lobell 5.20 6 40 8- Bewitching Dandy 5.80 TRIFECTA: 2-9-8 55,078.10 ATTENDANCE 21,232 TRACK HANDLE: MONTICELLO ENTRIES Sunday POST TIME 2:30 PM FIRST PACE 51,100 I -2-3-5-6; 8 MODIFIED 1- Nordic Beauty Marohn 2- Lady Enzyme C. Manzi 3- Marion Goodly Gilmour 4- Star Collins Dalton 5- Susan L-Bar Washington Jr. 6- Glen Trick Silva 7- Promlse Me Curran B-Vlvan Calgary Gilmour SECOND PACE 51,500 2-3-4-5-4-7-I MODIFIED 1- Happy Mark 2- Faith Farvel 3- Marion Hilo 4- Mickey Chase 5- Marx Hanover 6- Francis Albert 7- Cee Dee Byrd 1-Drummer Pick Gilmour Nichols Gilmour Tisbert Yanotl Marohn Sleva Biccum MUM? Help Wand ELECTRONICS TECH Exp'd, salary, major medical.
To be trained for sales. Send resume to BOX this paper ELECTRONIC Instrument Mechanic Experienced with Honeywell or Bar Colman controls desirable. Work vacuum, gas and electrical furnaces. Call R. Lee, 359-4700 CHROMALLOY Research Technology Dlv Blalsdell Rd, Orangeburg, NY Equal Opportunity Employer MF EXEC.
SECRETARIES notch secretaries needed to work (I) The president and chairman the board; (21 Corporate controller; a manufacturing conglomerate. Must be self starters and like working with figures. Salary commensurate with experience. Indicate position applied for. Send resume and salary re-quirements to BOX 2459J this paper FORKLIFT MECHANICS-For new expanding company, Mt Vernon.
Top pay benefits. Call Richard Sherman 667-5575, Mid Hudson Clarklift GALGUY FRIDAY will greet clients, some typing office skills. All company benefits. Foreign car Dealership in Rockland. CALL: (914 623-1200 GROCERY Produce Manager, Dairy Manager, Grocery Night Crew Write to Box 6888 this paper GUARDS GLEASON SECURITY NOW HIRING Full wkend work avail Rockland No.
Jersey Must have car home phone Call for app't. 914-638-1433 265 Little Tor Rd, New City GUARDS ROCKLAND area, Full or Part time, also wkends, semi-retireo welcome. Applv: Justice Guards, 74 So Main St, Spring Valley 352-9400 GUARDS ARMED GUARDS TOP PAY Westchester's fastest growing guard force has positions available now tor qualified applicants. If vou have a clean record you desire an Interest ing position, we will train you to De a security officer with our firmfull time, part time, weekends-call 914-966-3000 for an interview HAIRSTYLIST, Experienced. With following.
Call 623-3040 HAIRDRESSER Experienced. Wkends. Very busy shop. 942-0543 HOMEMAKERS HOME HEALTH AIDES Live In. Immediate work available.
Good pay. Interesting work. 62J-BU24. An equal opportunity employer HOUSEKEEPER-references own transportation only reply. 2 days, 4-8 Mon.
8, Thurs. or all day Sat. S3 per hr. Call after 5 pm, 354-4243 Hnuekeeoer-child care. Suffern, 5 days per week.
Good references. Own transportation, can j5-iuu HOUSEKEEPER, 5 days Mon. to Frl. thru Dinner. Own transportation.
Ref. req'd. Chappaqua, 241-0812 HOUSEKEEPER, live-in, Mon. to Frl. Business couple, 2 children 9 6, References.
623-5446 HOUSEKEEPER live in.care 2 small children. OwrWoom.bath.TV, Rets Must! 273-9593 after 5 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER-2 afternoons a wk. 2- 6pm. Own transportation.
354-5261 afternoons 4 eves. Housekeeper, sleep-in. Cooking, own rm, 3 school children. Working mother. References.
Call 359-3511 HOUSEKEEPER Live-In. S150 per week. Weekends off. 3 children. Housework, some cooking, some child care.
Local refs required. Write Box 9472 this newspaper INSPECTOR-BENCHMAN Needed for wholesale Optical Lab. Benefits top salary. 592-9100 INSTRUCTOR Exp'd In small engine repair. Ability to work with handicapped Is necessary.
Contact S. May 634-7917 INSURANCE-exp. only, commercial rVor personal lines service exp a must. Writing DON LIBERT INC. 172 S.
Middietown Rd, Nanuet 10954 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Full time. Small company. Good pay. Hartsdale area. Minimum I years exp.
on 129. Call 472-9030 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Full-time opportunity for experienced keypunch operator who would like to learn computer operations. Good salary, fine benefits, ideal working conditions. Contact Personnel 358-6200. NYACK HOSPITAL an equal opportunity emplover Keypunch Operator 129 Minimum 1 year experience.
High starting salary, excellent benefits. Chrylser Corporation TAPPAN, NY MR FRANK STEVENS 914-627-2229 An Equal Opportunity Emplover KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Minimum 1 vr exp 9610 or 5496. Excellent opportunity, fast growing centrally located P. Co. Pleasant atmosphere.
All benefits. 948-0070 ext 294 LABORATORY ASSISTANT Ideal learning opportunity at prominent local community hospital. Assist In diversified medical laboratory procedures. Receive training as required. Prefer High School grad or better with venipuncture experience (or willingness to be trained).
Good salary and benefits package. Contact Personnel 358-6200 NYACK HOSPITAL an equal opportunity emplover LAB TECH, SR. RESEARCH Temporary 15 weeks. Technical or college trained candidate with minimum 1 yr exp as medical technician in blood banking andor blood grouping. STERLING FOREST DIVISION of N.Y.U.
Medical Center Call for appt: Mr Frlscino (914) 351-2922 an equal opportunity emplover mf LASER OPERATOR: MICROCIRCUITS Challenging opportunity for mature, dependable person to learn computer-controlled active ii passive laser trim ming of hvbridmlcroclrcuits. Tnira shift: 11:30 P.M. to 8 A.M. Must have good dexterity 8, eyesight to work with small parts, will train, c-ooa starting salarv, liberal company benefits, chance to aavance. LeCROY KbSbAKLH SYSIbMS 700 S.
Main, Spring Valley.NY (9141 425-2000 An equal opportunity emplover LEGAL SECRETARY New-City Office. Exp'd Secretary with steno, good skills. Salary commensurate with ability Reply P.O. Box 130 New Clty.NY with resume MACHINIST Boring mill operator heavy duty machine assembler. Exp'd.
Read prints Instruments. Own set-up. All benefits. Steadv. Some overtime.
Rate good. Haverstraw, N.Y. 914-429-5386 rfS at irf 28. Help Wanted AUTO MECHANIC Unusual earning opportunity (S250 to JJ50 wk) tor qualified mechanic prel with foreign car exp. Excel Guarantee ncentive plan a.
many irinoe pene- Its. Permanent position. EASTMAN GREENWICH MOTORS Lincoln-Mercurv-Renault Dealer Post Rd. Greenwich Conn 203-869-8900 AUTO MECHANIC Experienced Transmission Rebullder Benetlts. Apply in Person: TRI COUNTY Automatic Transmission Repair 172Rte59, Monsey, N.Y.
AUTOMOTIVE PARTS DELIVERY TRUCKMAN needed bv Rockland Dealer to dally pickup in Teaneck general maintain ence in parts service area. Good salary 8, all company benefits Call: MR QUINN (914 623-1200 AUTO POLISHER Professional. Good pay 8, benefits. Pleasant working conditions. Call Mr.
Zimmerman, 358 2000 Baby Sitter tor 4 and 1 yr old. 3 days wk, pm, refs. and love essential. After 5PM 735-7904 BABY SITTER Day Help, Mon Thurs Mature. Own transportation.
Call after 5 P.M. 354-5101 or 354-7953 HOUSEKEEPER-general cleaning; occasional child care. Permanent-tor reliable person, own transportation, i days-part time. 359-1133 BABYSITTER Mature person for 2 'i 6 yr old. References.
356-7303 BABYSITTER-Mon thru Thurs. Must have own car to drive children to activities. 354-7439 BABYSITTER Fnr aftprnnnn. 3 small children, own trans, ref, St. 25 per hr.
CALL 356-370J, No Sat or sun cans. BOOKKEEPER FC Portland County firm seeks expert enced FC Bookkeeper for GL, TB, payroll taxes, etc. Excellent oppiv, good benefits. Send resume salary requirements In confidence to Box 2330K co this newspaper BOOKKEEPER. Exp.
preferred, but not required. Salary commensurate with exp. Mamaroneck. Sena: Resumes to box jjoi-j mis paper BRANCH MANAGER Prnoressive financial Institution seek: Individual with In depth knowledge of Business Development tommerciai Lending. This professional will be re sponsible for complete administration of one of our branches.
Challenging opptv. for person who possesses ability to deal effectively with public and utilize hisher banking knowledge. Send resume and salary requirement to Box 3602J this newspaper. BUYER Experienced In purchasing MRO sup plies, mill, plumbing and electrical supplies. Rockland County location.
Send resume Including salary require ments to Box 6960K co this newspa per Equal Opportunity Employer MF Carpenter Apprentice Willing worker. Minimum 1 year exp in alteration work. Excellent chance for rapid advancement. Must have car. Call Mr.
Phil; 381-2775. Child Care Workers Mature, rpwnnihle oeorjle to work with adolescent boys in group homes S. child care Institution. Experience andor college helpful. All shifts.
Owr transportation. Call: LAKESIDE SCHOOL, 914-356-7000, Ext 2B4, Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm. CLERK-TYPIST Light bookkeeping, must be enthusiastic and willing to learn. rwnetitt and Holidays. Beraen County new Car Dealer.
Write Box 0584 this newspaper. CLERK TYPIST PART TIME, 3 or 4 hrs. dally, per hr. Miss Green WH 6-4593 S3.0C Coffee Shoo Helo Applications being taken for the new west oate conee snog. tut wv 358-8100 Ms weintrauo rnupANION For elderlv ladv.
5 days, Mon thru Frl J150 a wk. can evenings ix tiyi COMPUTER DATA ENTRY OPERATOR 1-2 years exp Systems 3 computer and 3740 entry device, salary commensu rate with exp. Call between 9 5, (914) 358-1089. COOK 359-0539 COOK Exp'd, 5 days. Call 429-4835 ook-Housekeeoer-Sleep in, 5 days, ccarsdale family with 3 school age 'oiiur eti wan C3 cu aui, RATA PROCESSING SUPERVISOR Stamford area.
Exp. in all aspects ol a Oi IMC rvJ DELI CLERK Drivers license, Wed, Thurs, Frl, c.at,(Sun till 2) i.irota Brothers EL6-1781 j9 North Main St, Spring Valley C'ESIGNDRAFTING ELECTROMECHANICALPC -esigners, Checkers, Detallers. Imme diate openings. iocai out-oi-iuwn assignments. Rush your resume to: Box 2349K co newspaper Equal Opportunity Employer MF DESIGN ENGINEER Electronics Senior Design Engineer with full electronic background wanted.
Shirtsleeve Individual. Permanent position as part of team designing new consumer electronic products. Minimum 10 years experience preferably with radio or audio manufacturer. SOLITRON DEVICES INC. Consumer Products Division 256 Oak Tree Rd, Tappan, NY (914 359-5050 Equal Opportunity Employer MF DESIGNER (TOOL DESIGN) 4-5 yrs exp.
Excellent opportunity for advancement In established 8, rapidly expanding company. Good starting salary benefits. Call: Mr. Mc Kenna; 914-761-2500 DRIVFR-OWNERS. Hiah earnings Must have a Van type vehicle.
Call Mon-Fri, I0am-4pm. 638-1122 DRIVER Small van, must know Metro, area, W. Nvack (914) jbj-ujiw Drivina Instructor Full time, Part time, H.S. diploma equivalent, Use own auto car, we wi train, Call 4-3077 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN We seek a resourceful, strongly motivated, competent technician with ability to assemble and test complex electro-optical systems without extensive guidance. Formal training in electronics.
Including digital logic and computer circuits, and ability to reaa and understand electronic diagrams for relatively complex systems Is necessary. Proficiency In the use of the oscilloscope, multimeter and related electronic instruments with ability to debug complex developmental electronic systems and experience with microprocessor components Is also desired. Excellent company benefits available, including educational refund. For prompt consideration, please call or write In confidence to: E.J. HICKEY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION TARRYTOWN, N.Y.
10591 (914 345-2057 An equal opportunity emplover mf aft ofc rati oiti at. i 28. 2430J ber with Too for: ot Ot In ori rf FREE ON ALL UNIROYAL STEEL BELTED RADIALS LIMITED QUANTITIES st Come 1 Served nrieiNwumcr! ptTnHWWiiami Twnputwr Good pay vocohon art not enough if your fob tt boring. What yow wntun. In chanco to iiimI intr(ting poopta What you naorj it 1tt Air Fore.
rjikteta aMrrill III Co 1nl IWJ-CWr i.ll 1 2. Nursing Hornet-Convalescta. Senior Citiin HICKORY RESIDENCE A Private Home of Eleoance Tran ouility for Men Women. Dietary laws observed. 24 hour nursing supervision.
Daily activities. Air condition Ina. Luxurious grounds. Swimming POOI. 352-2281 LAUREL MANOR FOR THE ELDERLY a fit lit Home for men women with 24 hr uPvlslon.
DaMy activities S. spacious ground 356-41M 3. Nurteriw- Child Core F1ABYSITTER, Occasional, mature, loving, competent, own tranportatlon desired. Call jW-lJM) WOTHER ot one will baby sit in her home. Breakfast-lunch-snacks.
Tovs. Yard. 51 per hr. 786-5603 14. Troval CAR POOL to Woodslde Queens.
Arrl- vlng 7:45. Leaving uueens aner i.jv. Call 152-3473 rig pnni kiffh; DRIVER. Bardo- nla-New City area to Manhattan. Call 634-4567 rarnml Wanted-From Rockland Bergen County To Queens, Leave 6:30 AM CALL JW-fll HF wanted or car DOOl to White Plains business Dist.
From Spring VallevPomona area. 354-4571 Ride wanted to Wall St area, From Valley Cottage, Rt 303, Steady, 268-4593 VALLEY Cottage -would like to loin Car Pool. Work 9 to mid-Manhattan. (36 St 5tn Ave) 26o-fH6i-anyrime wo hin vour car-Florida. California.
Arizona. All U.S.A. Licensed, Insured Call 358-5272 2 drivers looking to ioin or start steady car pool, work 9-5, Monsey, Spring viuev area, to mia wannanan Call 356-8807 15. Amusem*nts- Retraction huntin66uide service, for beginners pros call for details 357-7967 EMPLOYMENT 28. Help Wan) ACCOUNTANTS audit or Gt.
11-I8K EXPORT sales admin Spanish 12-16K PROGRAMMERS IBM COOOl bal 16- 20K ENGINEERS Plant facilites open OSMETIC production super 12-I4K ECRETARY billing Fr or Ger 823 ME design Engineer-5 vrs 15K NOWOHtNSAI IILLHUUM Snelling Snelling Agcy 18 New Hempstead Rd. New Citv 634-7961 ACCOUNTANT Rockland County hdqts facility seeks supervisor, GL section. Mm 5 vrs general acctg exp plus 2-3 vrs supervi enrv pvn Paid hospitalization. For. ward resume incl salary history to Box 235IK co this newspaper Equal Opportunity tmpioyer iwi- Accounting Payroll Supervisor will he directly responsible for oreoa ration, input, control and administration ot fully automated factory pay roll; Candidate must be thoroughly exp'd In computer pavroll techniques ana Must nave a wonting xnowieoge of standard cost theory and labor efficiency analysis.
Min of 12 accounting credits required. Knowledge of on-line terminal operations would be a big plus. Good advancement potential, tractive starting salary and frit. hpnpflt. Send letter or resume stath ualifications and salarv history tu 2436J this paper.
An equal oppty em ployer MF ACCOUNTANT Feepd J12-S14K' Div Fort 500 Co seeks brite person, quick learner, personable, genl acct- Ing Dkgra aegee vrs exp. LIBRA personnel Agency 60 S. Main New Citv 634-0455 ACCOUNTANT JR. Greenwich Small congenial based Co. needs individual with BS In Accounting or Finance with 2 to 3 yrs.
diversified accounting exp. which should in-elude preparation of Financial Statements from a General Ledger filing of pavroll tax returns. Some exposure to Cost Accounting or exp. in a wig. Co.
Accounting system preferred. Salary commensurate with exp. Please call Mrs. Bray for app't. 203-661-6200 ACCT COST (reloc) to 17K MGMT Trainee (finance) 607 MGMT Trainee (fast foods! 8400 SECY, Legal to iuk SECY, Steno 690 COUNSELOR PT COMM MANY ret PAID Hertz Employment Serv 58 Rt 59, Nanuet 623-3842 agcy ADMISSIONBILLING ri FOK hospital or related experience with Medicaid Medicare procedures required.
Send resume Box 4522 This Newspaper ALARM SERVICE 8. INSTALLATION NO CXPfcKICNLt tLt jjA START IMMEDIATELY UP TO $5 PER HR Full part time openings In several divisions. Fast growing company needs people now for INSTALLATION, DEMONSTRATING 8, SERVICING customer requests for fire protection equipment. CALL NOW r-OK IN I fcKVItw 352-2864 Ask for Mr. Meyer ALIGNMENT PERSON With or without exp.
Great Bear Spring Valley. 356-2261 ASSEMBLERS Full time only-light assembly. Applv In person to: Solltron Devices, 256 Oak Tree Tappan, NY ASS'T PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR H. S. Grad with technical background.
I vr supervising exp. (In metal Industry a plus.) An equal opportunity employer. 914-949-4757 between 8 am i pm. Ass't Bookkeeper 9 to 5. 5 days a wk.
AR, deposits, filing, some typing, assisting in all phases ot bookkeeping. Vacation, benefits, congenial office. Exp preferred but will consider bright beginner. Call Mrs. Kleppel 268-6861 for app't.
AUDITORS-SR 8. JR Big 8 co with unusual package has openings for: SENIOR AUDITOR 4 yrs work exp In field of natural re-Sources pref'd. CPA 8, "top 10" bkgd neiptui IR AUDITOR S14.500-16.000 1-lVj yrs bkgd In field of natural resources "top 10" exp pfd. Some travel All positions In Stamford area. Co pays fee.
For Interview appt in confl wire call or send resume to: AUDREY LEWIS 203-327-0660 GREYHOUND PERMANENT PERSONNEL AGENCY 567 Summer St, Stamford, Conn 06901 AUTO MECHANICS ford Dealershlp-exp preferred. Top Salary, all benefits. Westchester's biggest Ford Dlr-complete, modern 25 bay serv center. Call Serv. Mgr.
15 Minutes from Rockland County. PHOENIX FORD INC Arcadian Shopping Center-Rte 9 Rock-ledge Ave, Osslnlng-762-5500 AUTO MECHANIC-Auto wrecker wants exp'd vard person. Midland Salvage, 435 Roberts Ave; Yonkers, N.Y. 914-96B-3800 ih.f- "ii' if. nfi It A rjackhammer Marohn 3-1 41 81 5-1 9-2 8-1 5-1 5-1 JMars Martin Horn Dares Sister Freehall uvial Minbar Mar rtovin Time Timely Worthy Maker Smith Patterson Pattonie Nunziata Yanotl C.
Manzi I FOURTH PACE 53,000 M4-7-8 MODIFIED Alton Corporal Gypsy Pete September Prince Bootlegger Jim Gllmour Tisbert Maker Tangredl Curran Silva Biccum Daigneault Lucky Avruo Quick Temper Brook Joe PlfTH PACE 52,600 34-6-7-8 MODIFIED Egyptian Vanda kiley Moraka Grasso Tisber Manzi R. Vinci Fawcett Gilmour Ricco Jr. Sparaclno JFrosty Kane Maverick Diamond f(ape Pint Sacme kady Viking Kigolo Lo Go Adiot I J5TH PACe 56,000 134-7 MODIFIED IMike Success Biccum Daigneault Seiler C. Manzi Gillis Ricco Jr. Fawcett 6- 1 3- 1 8- 1 61 7- 2 9- 2 4- 1 2A(etaro Hanover 3Focono Kitty 4flacid Way SRomulus Major fAAr.
Montgomery Migh Hope Rick SSENTH PACE 51,400 12J-4-4-7-4 MODIFIED l'Uxie Sydney Gilmour 3-1 8- 1 5-1 7-2 9- 2 10-1 9-2 5-1 20nes Boy 3tarming Byrd 4-Vsco Dreams 5- Cin Tar Joni 6- rvsrion Go Boy 7- Arauntaln Meadow 8- Ftlicity Jane Daigneault Stephens Smith Manzi Ricco Jr. Piano. Saxe EHHTH PACE 82,000 1-24-4-5-7-8 MODIFIED 1-Siartan Bob 3-Erets Gem 3- Aaster Ranger 4- lop Cash Ricco Manzi Gigante Marohn Maker Patterson Jr. Del li Santi Brownell 5feveille Henry fr-lonnies True J-Hying Elle -t-teanda HIITH PACE 53,200 AU. MODIFIED 1-Nva Barrister Maker Delll Santl Patterson Jr.
Ricco Jr. Piano Barchi Nichols 9-2 4-1 6-1 6- 1 3-1 7- 2 8- 1 File 3- 9imulant Mir 4- agon J-Cuick Grass Mondean J-Jsson Robbi TlNTH PACE 52,200 MODIFIED )ebra Jan Tallman (-ierenade Time Merhard Hanover 4- Vachnes Double 5- ihiaway Chief 6- fa5ty Lenora 7- 4randslam Lobell 8- Flicka Marohn Manzi Del Gatto De Phitlips Gillis Manzi Gigante 3-1 TRACKMANS SLEECTIONS 1- Collins, Lady Enzyme, Glen T(ck 2- Farvel, Mickey Chase, Drummer Pick 3- leckhammer, Mars Marlin, Jovial Mnbar 4- rcho Brook JOE, Lucky, Avrum Vanda, Cape Pine Sacme, Lldy Viking 6Metaro Hanover, Romulus Major, iHigh Hope Rick Sydney, Vlsco Dreams, Can ITar Joni 8 Master Range, Flying Elle, Sonnies T'ue 3Quick Grass, True Mondean, Single Fie H-Lord Flicka, Serenade Time, Shia-wy ChiefBEST BET: METARO HANOVER 6TH RACE Severe Shortages due to Tire Strike. WHEEL ALIGNMENT et CamberCaster let Toe-In, Toe-out heck Steering $9' ,95 Mist American Cars KEELS AVAILABLE FOR MCST AMERICAN CARS. i4 44 ta 1 AiaV4 tv I OBJ SEVENTH, 2:02 A-2-A-3, Pace, Ul.SOO, 4- Big Abe 6 80 3.40 2.40 1-Rocket Rebel 4.60 3.20 5- Tarport Carmel 3 40 THE BIG TRIPLE 4-1-5 1116.00 EIGHTH, A-l-A-2, Pact, 114,000, 2:00 1- Broadway Bretl4.00 5 00 3 40 4-Alberts star 3.40 2.80 2- Grosvenor Lord 40 NINTH, Pact, "6,500, 2:03.4 4-Peter Parker! 20 4.40 3 60 2-Tony Dee 6.00 6 40 6-Mountbatten 5.00 THE BIG TRIPLE 4-2-6 S534.00 ATTENDANCE: 11,336 OTB HANDLE: 5924,611 TRACK HANDLE: COMBINED HANDLE: MONTICEUO RESULTS Saturday FIRST PACE 51100 7-Mitey Tonyjoe (Manzi) 6 80 4 20 3.20 1-Persnippity (Dunn) 6.40 3.20 5-Walnut Kim (Maker) 5.60 SECOND PACE 51400 3- Arrlva Dan (Manzi) 8 00 2 80 2.20 4- Highland Holt (Piano) 2 80 2 20 5- Marches (Kazmaier) 2.40 DAILY DOUBLE 7-3 550.20 THIRD PACE 52000 6- Rods Go Igilmour) 12 20 4 60 3 00 3-Robin Rainbow Ingrassia) 3.40 2.40 IF Hal (Bernstein) 3.00 TRIFECTA: 6-3-2 5150.00 FOURTH PACE 51300 6-Miss Veerchu (Maker) 3 80 3.20 2.40 3- Sidney Collins (Macedonio) 3.60 2 80 4- Good Gold (Fawcett) 3 60 TRIFECTA: 4-3-4 585.50 FIFTH PACE 51500 5- Mountain Gypsy (Manzi) 5 00 2 BO 2 20 1-Drexel Power (Tisbert) 2.80 2.20 3- Concordat (Blccum) 2.20 PERFECTA: 56-1 517.10 SIXTH PACE 53700 4- Mouse Mouse (Bernstein) 5 40 3.40 2 80 1- Premonition (Kazmaier) 5 80 4.20 3-Gay widower (Tisbert) 4.40 PERFECTA: 4-1 561.20 SEVENTH PACE SHOO 2- Captain Bacchus (Yanoit) II 80 4 40 3 40 3- Cool Hand (Stephens) 4 00 3 40 4- Bett Janes Babby (Fawcett) 5.00 PERFECTA: 2-3 5105.60 EIGHTH PACE 51,800 TIME 2:07.3 7-SHIAWAY FROSTY IKamm) 21.40 9.80 4.80 3- Don Marcus (C. Manzi) 5 20 3 80Sk5 Starden (Tisbert)3 20 SCRATCHED NITE FILTER AND SOLOETTE PERFECTA 7-3 5174.90 NINTH TROT 52,500 TIME 2:06.4 5 Bob Collins (Dalton) 22 00 9 20 7 20 l-Up In Smoke (Gill) 4 00 3 20 4- Sheila Lobell (Smith) 4 00 TENTH PACE 52,100 TIME 2:07.3 5- Fallsburg (Lareau) 16 80 7 40 6 20 4-Bonnie Hawthorn (Silva) 13.40 4 80 3-Mountain Century (Saxe) 4 60 UNIROYAL STEEL SHOWPLOW $0095 BR78x 13 PLUS F.E.T.
2.11 BRAKE OVERHAUL Install Linings 4 Wheels or Pads on Front Disc Turn Rotors or Drums Pack Wheel Bearings Inspect entire system $39 95 Most American Cars MOM rf -n Itno. 4tH 1- 2- 3- 2- 3- 4- 3- 4- 1 INSTRUCTION 31 thni 33 FINANCIAL 34 thru 41 BOATING 46 thru 49 PETS-HORSES 51 thru 55 MERCHANDISE 56 thru 79 MOBILE HOMES 85 thru RENTALS 89 thru 104 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 108 thru 122 TRANSPORTATION. J28 thru 140 FOR BEST RESULTS always order your od to run one week or longer in all Westchester Rocklond Newspopers ALWAYS CHECK YOUR AD FIRST PUBLICATION DAY Publisher tj responsible to only on tneorrsrt tmertion ond only (or that portion the od which errof appears Publisher reserves right to censor, reiect, alter, properly classify or refuse all advertisem*nts. CLOSING DEADLINES Adi 'o itort Tyei thru Sot muit be rfaivtd before 4 30 pm day prior (Clouified divpioy doyi prior) To itort Mon your od (null be bt tore noon Sot (Oouified duploy noon fn.) To Itort. Sun your od mmi be in before 4 30 pf" (Claified duploy-noon Thyri).
westchester rockland ctassttietf Opan I Bin to 6 pm, Mandoyl through ThunoW I om to 10 fridoy: I onto 7 pm Sotvioioy; ond. from 3 10 7 pm an Sunday. HTACK-3SS-CSM snmcvuLFT-jst-noo N.NIrllSTliN M7-3IU lost and Found FREE FOUND AO Any individual who finds an article or a pet, can place a found ad free, tor one Insertion In this newspaper. Phone 358-6500. FOUND Yellow boy's ten-speed bicycle In vie.
of Middietown Nanuet Call 623-2644. FOUND-white kitten. One blue eye-one green eye. Friendly. Hudson Ave, Haverstraw.
Claim or adopt. 429-8J96 LOST Sept 20 76, "LUCKY" black dog, curly hair, medium, Reward, information confidential. 423-6584 LOST black cat, Pleasantvllle, alterec male, flea collar, black white. 914. 769-5544 Lost black cat, male, short haired, very long tail, vie.
Conklin Buena Vista Roads, New City, answers tc SCATTY Reward. tM iSIS LOST German Short hair 'pointer male. Answers to "Gunner" Brown white. Vic Dunwoodie. YO 8-4975 LOST GOLD CHAIN With 10 stones.
Vic. Waldbaums. Central or Gettv Square Parking Lot. Sentimental value. Substantial reward.
337-8007 LOST Gold Elk's pin diamonds on chain, wmte Plains vie. sentimenia value, Reward 949-0967 LOST black female dog. Looks like la brador. White on chest. Recently hao pups.
Spring Valley vie. No collar Call anytime. 352-5945 LOST cat black male tiger, tan stripes, green collar with flea tag. RE WARD. 914-428-7813 Lost Mini Bike-Honda.
Vic. Pinehurs Purchase. Reward for informa tion on return. 949-2079 LOST All White 6 mo. mix breed puppy.
Answers "LEIF" Sat. Nvack Fire man paraoe-35-i LOST large Male Collie, 2 vrs old, VI cinlty Congers, Children Heartbroken. Call 268-2866. LOST Small Siamese Female Cat, wearing 2 collars Vic Pearl River. Owner heartbroken, Reward.
735-7950 LOST Female Yellow Labrador Re triever, recently spayed. Lake Dr, Congers area. lVj yrs. Children Heart broken! Reward Call 638-1204 Lost large male yellow Labrador Retriever. Vic Elaine Dr.
Little Tor, Ne City area. Choker collar, 8 kids heartbroken. Reward. 634-8718 LOST white large male Persian Cat. Blue eves, deaf needs medication.
Reward. 354-4548 Wallet-BI. rubber, Intial S. I.D. cards Reward.
Call 358-7816 7. Special Notices DIRECT PHONES TO CLASSIFIED 358-6500 SPRING VALLEY 356-7800 WEST HAVESTRAW AND ORANGE COUNTY 947-3111 OPEN 8AM TO 6PM MON THRU THURS OPEN 8AM TO 10PM FRI SAT OPEN 3 TO 7 PM ON SUN DAY Donations appreciated. Furniture, bric-a-brac, clothing. The Salvatior Army Pick-up Service. 352-9293.
LANGUAGE PROBLEMS COLLECT- ING YOUR BILLS? CALL TRI-LINGUAL COLLECTION SERVICE. 429-2100 8i New Main St. Haverstraw, 8. Personals ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Alcohol cannot distinguish betweer sexes, races, or religions. We know we are aicononcs.
And we can help you Call AA Answering Service of Rock land County. 652-1112 or write P.O Box 342 New City, N.Y. 10956 LICENSED MASSAGE-The personal touch vou will remember. NY State Lie 1646. DENISE.
358-8418 by appt only 11. Boor And Liquor Ikons Notice Is Hereby given that Liquor Store License Number L-3351 has been Issued to the undersigned to sell LI QUOR. WINE, and CIDER, at re a under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at union Main streets, Sparkill Rockland County, New York tor off premises consumption. ALFRED ANTHONY PARISI DBA-SPARKILL WINE LIQUOR STORE UNION 4 MAIN STREETS SPARKILL, N.Y. 10976 A 4VA 0k ,..4 oira JkJk ai Is I I i I Mr BT iw.
-X-it "lv BELTED RADIAL I Whiliwill Plus el Sin Piici ti. In tip tichlin 7lil4 44.95 2.49 0.71.14 J4.iS 2.89 7lil4 JIM 3.07 7hlS I5.K 315 7Iil5 JMS 3 31 J7lil5 1 71H 1 3.47 AH prktH plvt Fd. Ex. Tax No traaVtn raquirvd on tiww tirM BALL JOINTS Install 2 Upper or 2 lower Ball Joints $44 95 Parts Labor Included Most American Cars Aiontirti, A nfHJI.UM I Li. I Mm i 1 1 1 I i Will nill i Mi il 1 4 HEAVY DUTY SHOCKS $4495 INSTALLED Lf TIME GUARANTEE PARTS 4 LABOR a if-- CU03 feXitffcovalV "4.